Draw an Alien
Drawing an alien is as varied as there are people on this earth, because any creature you can imagine that does not exist in reality can be called an alien and they come in many shapes and sizes. So how can we begin to draw one? Wikihow can show you how. Let's begin!
- Define your alien's body type. For this example, I chose and sketched a humanoid type upper body so I can add a face to the alien.
- Insect-like (from the movie "Alien")
- Humanoid ("Star Trek" and "Close encounters of the third kind")
- Armored or mechanical-looking (Transformers)
- Liquid or Gel-type (The "Blob")
- Plant-like ("Invasion of the Body Snatchers")
- Define your alien's characteristics and capabilities into your design. To visualize the wireframe needed to sketch the alien's body structure, you should already have an idea what your alien should look like. Consider:
- I want an alien that can walk on two legs that look like chicken legs.
- I want the alien's face to be mysterious almost "faceless" with blank eyes like the well-known "grey" aliens we read about.
- I want the alien to look tougher than humans with an armored type of look.
- I want three fingers for each hand, and the arms should have 2 joints or elbows.
- Be creative and sketch additional details of your alien. I used rounded forms to sketch the main parts such arms, legs, and head, large rounded joints to connect the limbs, and a "W" shaped chest part that extends to the shoulders to symbolize that this alien is drawn for a wikihow article!
- Refine the sketch using a smaller tipped drawing tool.
- Draw the outline over the sketch.
- Erase and remove the sketch marks.
- Add color.
- Draw your alien however you want! This is your creation, not anyone else's!
- Let your imagination run free when drawing your alien!
- Try to draw your alien with pencil first and outline it with pen later just in case you make a mistake.