Exit the Freeway Safely

Freeways are really difficult to drive on. What about exiting the freeway? Here is an article about exiting the freeway.


  1. Follow signs for your exit.
  2. Get on the exit lane. Other cars might have to take your exit, so you may want to use your signal.
  3. Take your exit.
  4. Follow signs for your turn and decelerate. There should be enough length for you to come to a full stop.
  5. Always STOP if there's a STOP sign or if the traffic light is red.


  • Exits can be on the left in right-hand countries. Make sure to follow the signs if the exit is on the left.
  • Signs will also tell you if there is a STOP sign, or if there is a traffic light.
  • There are several different types of interchange when you take your exit. Follow the signs of your turn.


  • If you miss your exit, NEVER back up. Just continue to the next exit.

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