Get Revenge on a Guy Who Was Mean to You
Is there someone who was mean to you or who you hate? Do you want to get revenge on him back? Then, you have come to the right article.
- Collect information concerning that certain someone. The more embarrassing, the better. You could spy on him, but make sure to do it in a way that no one would notice you're already doing it. Try stalking his social media accounts, or standing near him when he's talking to a person. Try talking to him directly or through text in order to get more information easier.
- Next, make a list of his weak points. If you think he does not have them, it proves that you have not known him better yet. In this case, you should repeat the first step and try to do it better than the last time. Practice makes perfect.
- Then, think of how you are going to get revenge on him. You could embarrass him, or harass him. What's worse, you could blackmail him and make him do whatever you want. He won't notice that he has fallen right into your trap.
- Make a very specific plan. Think about when, where, and how you'll do your revenge. It's better if you do it in a crowded place, but remember that it also has its disadvantages. Think about what you'll do next very deeply.
- There should always be a "What If?". You must think of ways to defend yourself if you fail, and to turn the tables around in your favor.
- Ask yourself, "Is that really worth it; what will ultimately be achieved?" Revenge might be the better way to do things instead of forgiving and forgetting, but always reflect on what would happen after your revenge. If you have no regrets, then do it. He might have deserved a taste of his own medicine.
- Last, do as you planned. Enjoy your revenge but remember that wanting is often better than getting.
- Make sure your victim doesn't get suspicious of you.
- Do not give up easily.
- Don't be too harsh. Remember, you just want to give him a lesson.
- Don't take this to extremes; people are only human.
- If you failed, be aware of the consequences. Or maybe the victim would get revenge on you back.
- You may get into trouble if you try this. Just try to get over him and always repeat to yourself "He was not the ONE".
- Don't be the crazy ex that took revenge too far.
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