Increase Productivity

There are many ways to increase your productivity, though at first they may be easier said than done. Start by adopting small changes, sticking to them until they develop into a routine. Once you've fallen into the groove, adding more small changes can lead to big results.


Improving Workflow

  1. Set priorities with efficiency in mind. The key to increasing productivity is working efficiently. If you have several tasks on your plate, prioritize them in a way that will keep you active and working hard. Different people work in different ways, but this advice should give you a significant productivity boost:
    • Really take the time to think about what works for you. For instance, when you're creating a schedule, you might think about what time of day you work best.[1]
    • Instead of tackling your whole to-do list at once, prioritize the 3-4 most important things on your list, and spend the day handling those. The next day, do the same thing.[2]
    • It's usually best to start with tasks you dislike. If you get through the fun work early in the day, you'll be tired when you get to the less pleasant work, and more likely to put it off.
    • Avoid jumping from task to task. Whenever possible, put all of your energy toward completing one task. When you have to divide your attention, spend at least an hour at a time on each task. Squeezing in five or ten minutes between other projects is an inefficient way to work.
  2. Take frequent, short breaks. If you continue without any breaks, you'll burn out more quickly. Your brain needs to rest to stay alert and focused. Take a few minutes off whenever you feel tired, or whenever you've reached a good stopping point. Walk around, drink some water, or have a conversation.[3]
    • Avoid break activities that could distract you from your work. "Screen time" on the computer or television is especially likely to lead to a long procrastination session.
    • If burning out is a problem for you, set an alarm to go off every hour or two as a break reminder.
  3. Schedule your time. Set up a realistic schedule for your work, using a physical or electronic calendar. Turning your plans into concrete, visible reminders can motivate you to push onward.[4]
    • Include break times and longer meal breaks in the schedule.
    • Just schedule one day at a time, especially when starting out. At the end of every workday, take a few minutes to draft the next day's list.
    • Pay attention to where you're losing time and energy. For instance, if you tend to spend a lot of time chatting after a meeting, and it throws the rest of your day off, you might need to have more integrity with regards to leaving a meeting on time.[5]
  4. Motivate yourself with rewards. Set short and long term goals for a project, and give yourself rewards after each accomplished goal. For small goals, such as cleaning the kitchen or finishing a day's project, reward yourself with an ice cream cone or half an hour of pampering. For large goals, such as earning a degree or a promotion, give yourself a vacation or a weekend adventure.[6]
  5. Avoid creating project bloat. Give your work your best effort, but avoid unnecessary extensions. Quick, professional results are more efficient and often more appreciated than an extra week of optional additions. Save your "above and beyond" moments for the truly important projects.[7]

Creating an Efficient Workspace

  1. Organize your workspace. If your desk is a cyclone of papers, spend 15 or 30 minutes a day tidying up. This is a productive activity that adds variety to your workday, and can greatly increase efficiency once you've finished. Here are a few basic tips to guide you:[8]
    • Anything you use often should be in an obvious place, reachable without standing up.
    • If you often forget where something is, label drawers and filing cabinets.
    • Return everything to its proper place right after you use it.
  2. Find a private space. If you work in a public area with frequent interruptions, find a more private space to work. If this is not possible, try to work around productive, positive people who enjoy getting things done. Avoid people who are not actively working, or who seek distraction.[9]
    • Even if most of your work is on a desktop computer, think of tasks you can print out and finish by hand in a more quiet location.
  3. Minimize electronic distractions. This can be tough if most of your work happens on a computer or phone. Turn off any non-essential electronics, and take additional steps to avoid distraction:[10]
    • Block-Websites.
    • Close all non-essential websites.
    • If you need your phone on to receive calls, turn off the Wi Fi to slow internet speeds.
    • If you tend to distract yourself with video games or other software, make a separate work account on your computer.
  4. Switch from paper to electronic documents. If you waste a lot of time searching for the right piece of paper, go electronic. Most banks and other services allow you to sign up for online bills. If you're handling work documents, bring up the idea of electronic copies.[11]
    • As a last resort, scan the documents yourself as PDFs.
  5. Create a reliable filing system. Whether you're handling electronic files or a physical filing cabinet, create a system that allows intuitive access. Use the same naming convention for all files. Organize-an-Electronic-Filing-System inside clearly labeled folders.
    • Beginning each file name with the date in YYYYMMDD format is an easy, universal system. Alternatively, start with the client's name, or the name of the project.

Improving Physical and Mental Alertness

  1. Stick to a regular sleep schedule. This is vital for staying alert and productive throughout the week. Even on days when you're not working, stick as close to your regular wake up time and bedtime as you can.[12]
  2. Eat-Healthy. Your diet should contain plenty of protein, vitamins, healthy fats, healthy carbohydrates, and fiber. Eating high-carb foods — including fast food, processed foods, and desserts — will cause a crash in blood sugar that makes it difficult to get through the day.[13]
    • Keep healthy snacks near your work area, especially if you tend to procrastinate by making yourself snacks.
  3. Be careful with caffeine. Coffee or energy drinks can give you a temporary boost to energy, but they will cause a crash in the end. Take these in moderate amounts, or save them for special circumstances. Consuming caffeine daily can make you reliant on it, forcing you to continue drinking it just to reach a basic level of comfort and alertness. If this happens to you, Quit-Caffeine for a more pleasant and efficient workday.[14]
  4. Exercise. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to maintain energy and health. Even just standing while you work or while you're on break can keep you more alert.[15]
  5. Let yourself relax. Once you've finished your day's work, give yourself time to wind down. Do whatever it takes to help yourself "recharge," whether that's a night out with friends or a calm evening at home.[16]
    • Take a personal day once in a while to avoid burning out. Hire someone to watch the kids, or take a day off from work.
  6. Pay attention to your emotions. Avoiding relationship issues or problems at home won't make them go away. You bring your emotions to your work, and during tough times you won't be 100% focused. Work to address these issues if possible. In the meantime, free your mind before work with meditation, exercise, or talking to a trusted friend.


  • Chew some mint gum while working to keep you awake on tiring days.[17]


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