Increase Your Hirability if You are Unemployed
Unemployment due to retrenchment or large gaps in job experience on your résumé can cause great hardship when you begin a new job search. With some effort, however, you can increase your hire-ability and open up new job opportunities. You should combine some or all of the following methods to prepare your best self for the job market.
- Seek out volunteer opportunities. Engaging in a volunteer activity can demonstrate your leadership capabilities and initiative and boost your résumé with more current activity. Aside from the positive aspects of doing good, volunteering can also increase your self-confidence
- Do a web search for volunteer opportunities in your area.
- Ask how you can help at a local shelter or food pantry.
- Call nearby hospitals, charity organizations, non-profits, and places of worship.
, helping you to stand out in an interview.
- Volunteer at a place of worship. If you regularly visit a place of worship, consider volunteering for leadership opportunities like helping with events, planning fundraisers, assisting in the office, etc.
Continuing Education
- Explore continuing education opportunities. If you have been out of the workforce for a significant length of time, it is important to show potential employers that you are capable of staying up to date. Local colleges often offer affordable classes in a variety of topics that could make you more marketable.
- Take classes that interest you. Try to select classes that you will be able to engage with, but that are in line with what you would like to do.
- Ask about free courses taught at public libraries. Many public libraries will periodically offer free education and job search assistance.
- Maintain a blog. Update your blog regularly with your volunteer activity and continuing education endeavors.
- Subscribe to other blogs in your field and try to build an online presence.
- Apply to temping agencies. After you Make a Resume that includes all your skills, experience, volunteer work, and education, submit it to temp agencies. Getting started can take some time, but an agency will set you up with temporary—usually administrative—work that can occasionally lead to a permanent position. This type of work is a great boost to your résumé.
- Start Your Own Business. This process can be time-consuming and costly but if you have patience and an idea, this may be a worthwhile option for you.
- Freelance. Depending on your skillset, you may be able to offer services on a freelance basis. Consider the following:
- Copyediting
- Organizing
- Dog-walking
- Gardening
- Shopping
- Build a network. Talk to everyone you can about your job search and what you are doing to improve yourself. The more people who know you and know what you can offer, the more likely you are to end up connected to a potential employer.
- Keep in touch with former colleagues and friends from school (especially those who have successful careers). They may be able to provide you with a reference or a recommendation that could get you an interview.
- Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. It cannot hurt you to seek advice, and it may lead to opportunities that otherwise would not have come your way.
- This article is not exhaustive. Follow any lead you can, say yes to every opportunity, create your own opportunities.