Know if You Are Ready to Ask Someone Out

Have you ever wondered if you would get humiliated for asking someone out? Are you scared that you will be rejected? This is for you if you feel that way.


Assessing your readiness

  1. Think it over. How much do you really like this person? Is he or she really worth it?
  2. Get to know this person. If you do not hang out together, how will they know if you are really worthy of their time? How will you know if this person is compatible with you? If you do not like how they act, then you will know that you are not ready or not willing to ask them out.
  3. How much do you like them? If you are thinking about another person at the same time, then maybe you are not ready to ask that person out. On the other hand, if all you can do is think about this particular person and feel butterflies in your stomach every time you get near him or her, then it's a sure bet you're wanting to spend more time together, and asking him or her out is a logical next step.
  4. Consider how you'll cope if rejected. Are you willing to wait if this person says no? Are you willing to accept that he or she may never be romantically interested in you and that it's best to move on? It is never appropriate to react negatively to a person who rejects a request to date them. It isn't a reflection on you as a person; it's an indication that this person doesn't feel the same compatibility that you feel, and that they're behaving wisely about either taking the time to think it over, or simply realizing that it won't end up working out between you two. Aim to be friends instead, should this happen.
  5. Consider what you'll do if the answer is "yes". Although this is clearly what you expect, it can be as overwhelming as being rejected! You suddenly have what you want, and it's easy to feel giddy. It's not a good idea to force a kiss on the other person or yell "whoopee"! Instead, consider telling others how happy you are, and to have ready some suggestions for your first date together.

Working out your approach

  1. How are you going to ask out your prospective date?
    • The best way to ask someone out is face-to-face and alone from their friends. If they reject you, be glad that not a lot of people heard about it.
    • A really bad way to ask someone out is by the phone. It is only bad because you are not showing that person that you are confident enough to ask them out face to face.
    • An unacceptable way to confess is by email. It shows the person you're asking out that you are not ready for a relationship, and that you will be scared of their reaction. It is also an unacceptable method because the person might send it to their friends, and that will turn into an irreversible mess of embarrassment and humiliation.
    • Yet another way not to ask someone out: Through your friends. Even if you are shy, gather up the courage! Don't tell your best friend to ask someone out for you, because it shows that you are either lazy, shy, or not confident at all. Don't break up with anyone this way, either.
  2. Make sure that you don't walk up to them and hesitate, and make sure you don't do it somewhere where it would not be appropriate for them to kiss you (IE: a school dance would be a great place).


  • Be confident!
  • Wait until the moment is right.
  • Be prepared for rejection.
  • Make sure that you are already friends with them! If you talk to each other frequently, then there is a greater chance of you not getting rejected!
  • Make sure the person is ready, or else they might be freaked out by the sudden move.
  • Make sure you do not ask them out by IM or e-mail.
  • If you are scared to ask them out (or if you are scared of humiliation), then you are probably not ready to ask them out.
  • Dress for success! Don't dress like you're going out to play with your friends, go to a wedding, or a funeral! Dress casually and nicely in your newest clothes, or the ones you simply like most and fit your personality.


  • Everyone gets rejected, so don't be too disappointed if you are rejected.
  • May not work out between you two
  • Your parents may stand in your way, so make sure you are allowed to date first.

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