Safely Get Away from a Runaway Scooter

Scooters are one of the least known ways of transportation. If you are one who rides one, here are some tips that can help you jump from a runaway scooter.


  1. Carefully near the edge of the street to either a lawn or anything soft.
  2. Move your feet into the direction of the lawn.
  3. Look Straight ahead to see if there is anyone that your scooter may hit. If so, yell that you are about to abandon your scooter and to get out of the way.
  4. With your eyes on where your scooter is heading, slowly bend your knees.
  5. Push the handlebars away from you and at the same time jump to safety.
  6. As you hit, try to roll instead of landing on your feet (depending on the speed).
  7. Warn the bystanders (if any) that are in the way.
  8. Once the scooter has come to a complete stop, make your way to it and check for any injuries to yourself.


  • Always wear a helmet when using anything that you can fall off.
  • Do not land on your hands and knees, instead try to curl into a ball and roll like a spy.

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