Start Your First Conversation with Women

You've found the object of your interest, made eye contact and you are making your way towards her.


  1. Stay calm and breathe properly. If you panic, you will not speak properly.
  2. Don't get over excited because it will make your voice sound a few pitches higher and end up squeaky. This is embarrassing.
  3. Don't start with all the usual one liner pick up lines. Create something more unique and personal.
  4. Look at your surroundings and look for anything you can use as an icebreaker. For example, if you are in bookstore, try to observe what book she is particularly interested in.
  5. After you completed each sentence, pause a few seconds. Look at her eyes or facial expression and see whether she would like to talk or you continue with the talking.


  • Take deep breaths. When you do that you can feel your voice coming out from deeper within your body and that gives your voice more resonance, a baritone that is sexier!
  • On the other hand, don't talk too slow. It will make your listener fall asleep.
  • Watch your tempo, don't talk to fast. It usually happens when you are tense and nervous.
  • Always start with a smile, especially dealing with strangers. Smiles are infectious and it often garners the same response from the recipients.
  • Keep the conversation going! If you pause too long and can't think of anything to talk about then she will leave with a simple "bye". The longer the conversation the better the chances.


  • Look at her eyes when you talk. And if you really feel a deep connection stop in the middle of your sentence and say "you look really beautiful today" that will show the girl that you think she's beautiful-not hot.
  • Do not talk about how hot "that chick" is! It will make the girl think you're a womanizer and only cares about looks!

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