Stop Procrastination With Visualization

It is possible to move past procrastination.[1] The workplace is full of new distractions on smart phones and tablets. Yet, procrastination has been with us for a long time. [2] It can result in unpleasant things like stress, low salaries, and poor health.[3] To stop procrastinating, this article suggests the use of visual approaches.[4] You can get back to the task at hand by visualizing goals and blocking distractions. Above all else, you need to get back to the work in front of you.


Imagining Your Future Self

  1. Make a sketch to visualize your feelings about the task. Using a piece of blank paper, write down the name of the job at the top. Draw a line down the middle of the page to create two columns. Write Reasons for Procrastination above the left column. Then, write Arguments Against Procrastination on the right side of the page. The diagram should take 10 minutes to complete.
  2. List your justifications for inaction on the left side of the page. List all the reasons that you have for delaying action on the job. These reasons may be simple, such as the difficulty of the task or lack of manpower. They may also include things like self doubt or a perceived lack of ability. Whatever your reasons, list them in the order they come to mind. Give yourself 3 minutes for this step.
  3. Jot down arguments for action on the task on the right side of the page. Write arguments against all the justifications that you have just listed. You might argue that it is better to start the task now so that you will have more time to complete it before the deadline. Continue arguing against all justifications for procrastination. Give yourself 5 minutes for this step. If you feel you have done a good job, you should be ready to return to the task at hand!
  4. Imagine the feeling of success that will come when you have completed the job. Find a comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes for 5 minutes, and imagine yourself doing the job from start to finish. Where will you be doing the work? What tools will you be using? How will you be approaching the task? With whom will you be working on the task? Now, imagine the feeling of success after completing it. Use this positive feeling to motivate yourself in starting the job.[5]

Visualizing Your Goals and Timelines

  1. Break your goal down into smaller chunks, actions or tasks. This should help you move beyond feeling overwhelmed by the job.[6] Avoid dilly dallying with this process as this can be yet another way to procrastinate. Instead, spend only the time you need to figure out how to go about your job and then get back to the task at hand!
  2. Rank the actions you will need to complete your job. First, take a few minutes to list the specific things you need to do to finish the job. Beside each task, write a number corresponding to its relative priority. If you identify a particular task as most urgent or important, write the number one beside it. Continue until you have graded the significance of each thing you need to do. [7]
  3. List your graded tasks in order. Using the list you created, list the tasks in order of priority.[8]
  4. Mark down a realistic time for completion number beside each graded task. If you think task number one will take one hour, you would write this number down in brackets beside the task.[9]
  5. Put the tasks into your schedule. Insert the tasks into your schedule using your time estimates and rankings. You can finish high priority actions early and work towards the completion of the job.[10] Schedule the hardest tasks for the time of day when you have more energy.[11]
  6. Use bright post it notes to remind yourself of tasks in your calendar. Post them to your computer or office wall.[12] This will remind you of the relative urgency of tasks, so you can keep your eye on the target one step at a time. If you still feel stuck, choose a task that looks easy to do and start it!

Blocking Visual Distractions

  1. Find a comfortable and relaxing place to work with minimal noise and distraction. If you feel prone to distractions, it is especially important to find someplace quiet. [13] If you get distracted at home or at work, consider whether you can do the job elsewhere.
  2. Block email and facebook notification alerts. If you find yourself tempted to check email or facebook, consider turning off notifications.[14]
  3. Install anti-procrastination software on your desktop computer. Working with access to the internet can be quite distracting. There is always the temptation to use social media or read the news.[15] If you find this is a problem, install an anti-procrastination software program.
    • Block site is an extension for the chrome web browser. It is available for free and stops you from visiting distracting websites.[16]
    • Rescue Time is an application that monitors your time on different applications. In this way, you can review the productivity of your work day.[17]
  4. Put some anti-procrastination software on your smart phone. You may find yourself distracted by mobile games or browsing software. In this case, consider installing an anti-procrastination application on your phone.
    • FocusON is an application for Android phones that blocks sites that you find distracting and time consuming.[18]
    • Forest for iTunes and Android helps you work for specific focused periods. If you want to do a focused thirty minutes of work, plant a virtual tree in the application and let it grow for 30 minutes.[19]

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