Take a Train in Tokyo

Japan is known for its railway system, and it's put to good use in Tokyo, so much so that you can commute through much of the city by train! If you're not used to taking trains or don't speak a lot of Japanese, the train system may seem difficult to navigate. Though it's sure to be intimidating the first time, taking the train is actually a fairly simple process that you'll acclimate to quite quickly.


Purchasing a Ticket

If you don't have an IC card like SUICA or PASMO, you'll need to buy a ticket for the train(s) you want to take.

  1. Go to the ticket machine. They'll often be labeled in both Japanese and English and will be brightly colored, and may look a bit like American ATMs at first glance.
  2. Change the machine's language, if necessary. If you can't read enough Japanese to operate the machine, then look for a button to change the language. It'll typically be in one of the upper corners and may say something like "International", "Language", or just "English".
    • Most ticket machines will offer English, unless you're at a very small station. Some will also offer other languages, such as Chinese, Korean, and Portuguese.
  3. Find the fare map nearby. There will be a fare map somewhere near the ticket booth, likely next to it or above it. Typically, the station you're at will be indicated by a larger icon and a different color, and potentially an arrow pointing towards it, so you just need to find that and figure out where your stop is.
  4. Choose how many tickets you're purchasing. If you're taking the train with other people, you can purchase multiple tickets at this point. By default, the ticket machine will only print one, so if you're going by yourself, you don't need to select the number of tickets.[1]
    • Children's tickets are available and can be used if you're traveling with someone between 6 and 11 years old. (Babies and a maximum of two children who are 5 or younger don't need a ticket.)[2] However, do not purchase a child's ticket for someone 12 or older - the ticket gate will beep and the station attendants will notice.
  5. Push the button for the correct price. The ticket machine will display buttons with numbers on them; these are the fares and they correspond with what's on the fare map. Press the appropriate button.
    • If you're really confused and can't figure out what your fare is, just purchase the cheapest ticket first (which will usually be around 130 yen). You can adjust it after you've arrived at the proper station.[3]
  6. Pay for your ticket. You can typically pay in bills and coins, though they have to be yen - you can't pay with another form of currency. Once you've paid, the machine will print the ticket for you.

Taking the Train

  1. Find the proper platform. Major stations will typically have signs in Japanese and English, as well as arrows pointing in the direction of platforms you may need to access. Look for the line that you need to ride on and follow the arrows to the appropriate platform.
  2. Pass through the ticket gates. How you get into the platform will depend on whether you use a ticket or IC card.
    • If you're using a ticket, insert the ticket into the ticket slot. It will pop out on the other side of the gate; grab it as you walk out. Do not forget it - you'll need it to get out at the other station!
    • If you're using an IC card, touch your card to the screen and walk through. The balance of your card will be displayed on the screen, but you won't be charged yet.
  3. Check the train that you're traveling on. There are many trains that travel throughout Tokyo, and even once you've gotten to the right platform, you'll need to make sure you get on the right train. There will usually be maps in both Japanese and English to indicate what stops the line includes and what lines the train may merge into, and major stations will have arrows pointing in the direction that the train travels in (so you can use the map and those arrows to determine which train will take you to your stop).
    • Many trains will state that they're "for" a certain location (e.g. "For Shibuya"). This means that the train won't go any further than that station; if you need to go further, you'll need to switch to another train at some point.
    • There are many types of train lines, such as local lines, Limited Express lines, and Rapid Transit lines (as well as shinkansen - bullet trains). Make sure you're boarding the right train so that you don't miss your stop and have to take another train to get back to it. (The boards at the platform will often switch from Japanese to English, and the types of lines are also labeled by color.)
    • Local trains will stop at every stop on the line. Limited Express trains, on the other hand, only stop at major stations. Rapid Transit and Express lines will stop at more stations than Limited Express trains, but not as many as a local train.[4][5] Be aware that Express and Limited Express lines often require you to pay a bit more.[6]
  4. Line up in the appropriate area. There will be markings on the floor to distinguish where you should line up to board the train. Line up around these - don't "bunch" around the door, since this will disrupt the flow of boarding.[7]
    • Many major stations will restrict certain cars to women only during certain periods of time (often during morning rush hour), as a measure against chikan (train molesters). They can be distinguished by the (typically pink) label on the station floors and the train windows, and will have the kanji 女 somewhere on them (and often state in English that the car is women-only until a certain time). If you are a man, do not line up for one of these cars during the specified hours.[8] (Those who accidentally board women-only cars can change train cars - there are doors between them.)[9]
  5. Allow passengers to get off the train first. When the train arrives, step to the side to allow people to exit the train before you attempt to get on. People will typically exit the train from the center. Do not try and push past the exiting crowd - this can trap people and make them miss their stop.
  6. Board the train. Generally, it's best to board in a line so you don't slow boarding, bump into someone, or step on someone's foot.
    • If the train is very crowded, try stepping into the train backwards, as strange as it may sound. Since there won't be room to turn around in the train, this will make getting off the train easier.
    • During extremely busy times, there may be station assistants helping to (quite literally) push people into the train. This is normal, although it may feel uncomfortable. Don't resist or argue with them - they need to make sure people get into the train.
    • Especially if the train is crowded, be very careful to fully clear the doors. If the doors on the train close on you, your belongings, or any loose clothing, it can result in injury or damage.
  7. Determine whether you can take a seat. Generally, seats on trains are "reserved" for those who are old, pregnant, disabled, or have small children. While you can sit down if you are tired and the train isn't full, you should be prepared to get up if someone who has small children, is elderly, is pregnant, or has a disability boards the train.[10] If the train is relatively full and you don't need to make a long trip, grab one of the handles above you rather than sitting down, or hang onto one of the poles near the seats.
    • This especially applies to priority seats, which are often near the doors and are labeled as priority seats (and are often a different color than the rest of the seats). You will be expected to give these seats up if someone who needs them gets on the train.[11]
    • If you're sitting down and you see a standing person staring at you, particularly if they meet the Priority Seat criteria or look exhausted, get up, motion towards your seat, and quietly say "dōzo" to them. They may initially hesitate, so try to step away from your seat if possible.
  8. Wait for the train to arrive at your station. Most major train lines in Tokyo have announcements that state the stops in Japanese and then in English, and many trains have some sort of screen that displays important information, including the next stop. The announcements and screens will also state which side of the train the doors will open on, so you can prepare for the stop.
    • If you don't know Japanese, learn the station name and number, and listen for the announcement that you're approaching the station. Major train lines will often state the stops in Japanese and then English.
    • Depending on the train, the screen may display the names of the stops in multiple languages (such as Japanese kanji and hiragana, English, Chinese, and Korean). However, not all trains display this many languages, so don't rely on them.
    • Unplanned announcements (e.g. stating that the train is delayed) will be in Japanese and typically left untranslated, unless the train line is a major one.
  9. Move towards the doors as the train approaches the station. Be careful to hang onto the handles above you, so you don't fall when the train stops.
  10. Exit the train. Try to go through the center of the doors, since people will be waiting by the sides.
    • If the train is crowded, don't be afraid to move - just try to walk towards the doors and people will do their best to make space so you can get out. Saying "sumimasen" as you push through the crowd will also alert people that you're getting out.
  11. Leave the gates. The method you use to get out depends on whether you used an IC card or a ticket.
    • If you're using a ticket, just feed the ticket to the gate. The ticket won't come back out. This is normal - just continue to where you need to go.
    • If you're using an IC card, tap the card to the screen. Your fare will be automatically calculated and deducted.
    • Fare adjustment machines are available near the ticket gates if you need to change your ticket fare or recharge your IC card.[12]

Following Train Etiquette

  1. Use deodorant before going on the train. Japanese train cars don't allow for a lot of space, especially during rush hour. If you smell bad, people will notice (even if they don't speak up about it). Put some deodorant on before you leave, and consider taking some with you if you will be out most of the day and know you'll sweat a lot.
  2. Do not attempt to hold the doors open. Japanese trains run on a set schedule and timeliness is very important in Japan. Holding the doors open will delay the train and can cause others to miss their connections (and you run the risk of crushing your hand). During Tokyo rush hours, there are enough trains available that anyone who misses one train can catch another one within a few minutes, so there's no need to hold the door for someone.
    • If someone gets trapped in the doors and is in danger, there is often an emergency button you can press, but do not use this unnecessarily. Someone's backpack getting caught in the doors as they board doesn't warrant hitting this button, for example (platform conductors will help push them in if the person can't pull the bag inside).
  3. Face the seats nearest to you if you're standing. If you're hanging on to one of the overhead handles while you ride the train, face yourself towards the seats and windows closest to you. Not doing so means that your behind will be in someone else's face.
  4. Try not to take up too much space. Sprawling out across the seats or extending your legs too far out will inconvenience other passengers - you're taking up space that someone else could use. Try to limit the amount of space you occupy, especially if the train is crowded. (You can normally stretch for a moment without issue if the train is fairly empty, however.)[13]
  5. Keep any bags in front of you or on the overhead rack. During rush hours and other crowded periods, there's very little space and having a bag or purse take up space inconveniences other passengers. If there's space, place your bag on the racks above the seats, or if it's a backpack, flip it so that the bag is in front of you and not behind you. (If you can't reach the overhead racks, ask for help or hold your bag in front of you.)
    • In some cases, it may be acceptable to set your bag on the floor as long as it's set between your legs and isn't taking up too much space, but do not do this if the train is too full - someone may trip or step on your bag.
    • If you're sitting down, keep your bag on your lap rather than setting it next to you.
    • Try to get suitcases onto the overhead rack if at all possible, since these are much more bulky than backpacks or purses.
  6. Do not talk on your cell phone. Talking on the phone while on the train is not polite. If you receive a call, either call back later when you're off the train, or answer to quickly and quietly let the person know that you're on the train and will call them back. Do not make calls on the train.[14] (However, talking on your phone at the train station is fine - albeit difficult due to the noise!)
    • Many trains will have signs advising you to set your cell phone to "Manner Mode" (マナーモード), which essentially means silencing it, or even turning it off (the latter of which is more common if you're near the priority seats).
    • Texting is acceptable as long as your phone is silenced, so as not to bother other passengers with the noise. Listening to music is also okay if other passengers cannot hear your music through your headphones.[15]
  7. Avoid staring at others. Japanese people tend to avoid eye contact, and you may make people uncomfortable if you stare at them. Look somewhere other than a person. However, if you don't look Asian, don't be surprised if you get a few curious looks (or even stares) yourself, especially from children!
  8. Be quiet when conversing with other people. If you're traveling with other people or need to ask someone a question, keep your voice down and don't shout or laugh loudly. If you're noisy, you'll disturb other passengers on the train.[16]
  9. Try not to eat or drink on the train. It's considered out-of-place (and sometimes rude) to eat on the train, and you may drop some food, spill your drink, or otherwise make a mess - something that's very frowned on in Japan. If you must eat or drink something, make sure it isn't extremely messy and doesn't have a strong smell, keep your trash with you until you find a trash can, and clean up after yourself.[17]
    • Eating or drinking something is acceptable on the shinkansen.[18]
  10. Do as you see others do. In general, Japanese people will understand if you don't pick up every nuance of train etiquette, but it's still a good idea to try to follow the example of the crowd. You might do things such as slide over to the end of the bench when it's empty so you're not sitting in the middle of it, or get out your headphones before boarding the train so that you're not digging for them while standing in the crowd. There's almost always a reason for why something or other is done on the train, after all.


  • The Japanese train system consists of JR, or Japan Rail, train lines, and other privately owned lines. Some JR lines are the Keihin-Tohoku, Yamanote, and Negishi lines. JR is useful, since you may transfer between JR train lines without exiting the ticket gates. To change between privately owned lines (like the Tokyu and the Ginza lines), you will need to exit the gates.
  • If you hear "sen" tacked on to the end of a train line that sounds like yours, don't be confused! The suffix "-sen" in Japanese simply means "line" when referring to trains.
  • If you lose your ticket during your ride, approach the station master (the train agent with the booth next to the ticket gates). Inform him or her in as clear English as possible what happened (gesturing helps) and say from which station you came. If you're lucky, and it was a nearby station, they'll let you pass, but as the Japanese are loathe to bend the rules, you will probably have to pay the fare again.
  • If you're using the JR Pass, you need to reserve your tickets ahead of time and then show your JR Pass to the station attendant before passing through the ticket gate.
  • Japanese people tend to be conservative, but they're also friendly and helpful when approached. Many speak basic English, especially in Tokyo. Ask for help or directions from someone who does not appear hurried.
  • Train fares in Japan are not standard for all rides - they vary according to distance and between lines. The minimum adult fare (one or two stops) is usually about ¥130 (approximately $1.40). Make sure to check the board for the price.
  • Some trains will play a sound like a bell ringing to warn people that the doors are about to close; others play melodic jingles when the train enters or departs. The noise played depends on the station.
  • Many (though not all) stations have barriers near the tracks to prevent people from falling onto the tracks. They'll open up when a train arrives so that people can board.
  • In the wintertime, some Japanese trains have heated seats. Don't be surprised if your chair is cosy!
  • The train system is quite possibly one of the most extensive in the world. It takes you anywhere in the city, and for the megalopolis of Tokyo, that is quite a feat. Enjoy it and take advantage of its convenience!


  • The tickets are small. It can be a hassle at your destination if you lose yours. Keep it in a safe place, like a wallet or tight pants pocket.
  • Don't smoke on the train. This is a fire hazard and will cause the train car to reek - something which your fellow passengers do not want to experience in a tight space.[19]
  • If you avoid the busiest hours of the day, i.e. early morning when people are going to work or late afternoon when they are coming back, the trains will be comparatively empty. Don't expect to always get a seat, though.

Things You'll Need

  • Money
  • A guidebook, if you have one; they usually contain a set of maps of the train lines in the back

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