Ride a Train in Japan

Riding a Japanese train is no walk in the park. While figuring out which train to ride and where to go can be a huge challenge once you are actually on the train things can become just as hectic. It is no doubt equally challenging if you are not familiar with the Japanese language itself. It is also just as important to know how to get off the train as it is to find your train and ride it to your proper destination. Here are some basics to know beforehand to help you out:


  1. Know your destination. Be sure to know exactly where you want to go or at least the general area. There are plenty of English maps of the railway system available out there so be sure to pick up one ahead of time.
  2. Buy a ticket. When you buy your ticket from the machines there is an English language option to help guide you along. Be sure to make full use of it, especially if it is your first time buying a ticket. You also need to know the amount it will cost to get to your destination which is listed above you on a map of the railway if you are unsure. Just to be safe, don't be afraid to spend 20 yen more if you are unsure of the cost of your trip. It is also very beneficial if you ride the train frequently to think about buying a train card.
  3. Find your platform. Once you know your destination and you have bought your ticket it is time to find the platform where your train is located. There are signs and arrows that will guide you to your destination and most times they are also color coded.
  4. Board the train. When you arrive at the platform and are waiting for the train be sure to stand along the line provided on the ground and stand behind the cautionary yellow line. Once the train arrives make sure to stand aside to let the passengers file off and then make your way onto the train. Rush Hour: While it is appropriate to be polite and wait to the side you may have to shove your way through to make it on in time. Don't be alarmed if you are slightly shoved yourself or if one of the station officers comes along to give you a nice push into the train. When it is crowded it is crowded; you will feel like a sardine no matter what you do.
  5. Ride the train. When riding the train be sure to observe etiquette. If you are not tired then do not take a seat, save it for those who are or the elderly or handicapped. The same applies for if you do happen to take a seat; be polite and give it to those who need it. It is also proper not to talk on the phone in the train whether it is crowded or not.
  6. Get off the train. Pay attention to your stops and know when your destination is coming. It will be announced every station so you don't have to struggle to understand the signs if you are confused. Just watch your step as you get off the train and enjoy yourself at your destination. Rush Hour: When you're packed in with too many people and your stop has arrived be prepared for some pushing and shoving again. There are two key phrases you can call out that people will immediately understand and proceed to help you in your effort to get off the train. The first is "sumimasen" which means excuse me and is customary for many other situations as well. The other is "orimasu" which is "I'm getting off." The two can be used together like "Sumimasen, orimasu!" as well.


  • Trains come and go quite frequently (every 10-15 minutes, or during their busiest hours, every 2-3 minutes) so don't worry if you happen to miss the first train once you arrive at the platform.
  • For more tips and Japanese train etiquette, see Take-a-Train-in-Tokyo.
  • Brush up on Japanese whether it's a few simple phrases or reviewing what you know.
  • Don't be scared by kanji; in all of the major station English is just below the symbols on signs and instructions.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help along the way anytime.
  • Give your seat to the elderly, handicapped, pregnant, and/or children if there are no other seats for them.


  • If you are claustrophobic in any way it is highly recommended you avoid riding the train during rush hour as they can become incredibly crowded. (Rush hour is normally in the morning from 7:30AM-9:00AM, 12:00PM-1:00PM, and 5:00PM-6:30PM.)

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