Understand a Non Romantic Girl
The Woman has always been given a stereotype of being 'hopelessly romantic'. But believe it or not, some of us despise flowers and hearts and other such paraphernalia.
- Firstly, try to understand the reason as to why the woman in question does not appreciate romantic gestures. Maybe what's perceived as romantic to everyone else is seen as tacky or cliched to her?
- Don't ignore the fact that she does not want a bunch of roses or a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Not only is this a pointless endeavor on your part, but she'll also be annoyed that you didn't listen to her and opted for the easy way out.
- Find out little things she likes, such as a favorite childhood book or an obscure band and give her something in association with this.
- Be thoughtful when you are with her; the only reason why she doesn't want anything stereotypically "romantic" is because she wants to know if you are willing to put effort into getting to know her.
- Realize that while she may not be into kissing you in public or walking down the street with your arm around her, she IS actually with you for a reason.
- Do not pressure her into feeling like she must partake in PDAs (public display of affection) or something else she may feel uncomfortable with.
- Give her space. Encourage her to spend time with her friends and family.
- Chances are, this girl is very practical and matter-of-fact. Don't over-try to impress her, be honest with her and be open.
- Don't sugar-coat her. Pet names are probably not going to go down well.
- Try to understand that when you do something nice and she says something awful, she's not being nasty. You just caught her off guard, she doesn't expect romance.
- If she's really practical she'll tell you her expectations. If she wants a present, she'll tell you and give you ideas.
- If 'The Cat in The Hat' was her favorite book growing up, presenting her with a copy of this on Valentine's Day will be more meaningful than a bunch of red roses.
- Take her to places you'd never think of going to, such as a Mongolian restaurant or an opera. The more random the better, as often non-romantic girls are into things that are somewhat obscure.
- Don't pressure her.
- Take everything one step at a time, or you could find her walking away.
- Make sure you appreciate her for all the little things, don't get annoyed with her just because candy hearts are not her thing.
- Ask her friends for hints of little things she might like.