Deal With Annoying People on a Bus

Don't you just hate it when people or kids are annoying on the bus? It bugs many children, and you're lucky to have found this article. Here's how to deal with it.


  1. If you are on a school bus and some kids shout really loud, swear or make rude jokes, realize they only do it for attention. Kids only do this for attention because they have nothing better to do.
  2. Ignore rude people. Just turn your head to the window and wait for the ride to end.
  3. Ignore the attention seekers. The attention seekers are the people mentioned step 1. If you give them attention, you are encouraging them to continue.
  4. Bring an iPod to block out the noise. This will make your ride much easier to take.


  • If you have any problems with kids or anyone on the bus, let the driver know.
  • If you can sit anywhere in the bus, move to a different seat (only when you get on the bus from your beginning stop). If not ask the bus driver, principal or teacher on bus duty with a clear explanation of the problem.


  • If you are being bullied, let someone know. This will stop the bullying, and prevent the bully from bullying people for years to come, therefore saving the lives of children that may get bullied by him/her, as the children may commit suicide.
  • Do not bully anyone that is annoying. This is illegal in many states, and can lead to the suicide of a child.

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