Ride the School Bus

This guide will tell you how to ride the school bus, where to sit, and some fun things to do. Enjoy.


  1. Find a seat. If you get off at one of the first stops and don't have assigned seats, you probably have a wider selection. Some of the buses may be a little crowded, so it may be a little hard to find a good seat. Sit toward the front if you want to be the first off, want to look out the windshield, or want to avoid the often rowdy back of the bus. It is sometimes good, but you MIGHT want to make sure you do not mind the noise.
  2. Sit in the middle if you don't mind some noise, but also don't want to be alone. People will probably sit with you if their friends are around. You get some good window views, and a moderate view of the entire bus. The middle is probably the best seat, because the troublemakers usually sit in the back and the quiet ones usually sit in the front.
  3. Sit in the back if you want to be 'cool'. By the way, cool does not mean you're bad. Just don't break any rules.
  4. Look for entertainment. It can be as simple as reading a book or looking out of your window, or using a handheld device. You might want to bring these things, but take care as these items can be lost, stolen, or broken.
  5. Be smart if there are no empty seats and you have to sit with someone. Try to sit with someone who is quiet and is already by the window.
  6. Sit with friends. If you have friends on the bus, try to sit with and talk to them. The time may pass as you are socializing.
  7. Try to enjoy it. On the first few days, it may be a little hard, but you will probably get adjusted to it.


  • Try to stay on good sides with the bus driver.
  • Some bus drivers assign seats, try not to argue with them.
  • If you have nothing, but a full backpack, do homework!


  • You may get pushed or shoved out of seats near bullies, pick carefully.
  • Don't stand up or change seats while the bus is moving, you may badly fall.
  • Your entertainment device may get broken, stolen, damaged, or lost.
  • If you get motion sickness, avoid sitting in the back or front.

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