Draw a 3D Cube

Have you ever watched other people draw a 3-D cube when you can’t? Well if you want to know how, this article will help you learn how to draw a 3-D cube. If you already know how to draw a square this will be pretty easy.


  1. Draw a basic square. Use a ruler if you have one so you can make the sides the same length and keep your lines straight.
  2. Now you draw a line on the top slanting whichever way you want.( Then this is the part when it starts the get 3-D!)
  3. Now you draw another line on the other corner slanting the same way you did the one in step 2. (Make sure it is the same length as the square.) this corner is corner A.
  4. Go to the bottom corner (corner D) and draw a line slanting the same way you made the rest.
  5. Draw a line connecting the two lines you drew first (corner A and D).
  6. Then draw a line connecting the line that you draw in step 4 to the line that you did draw in step 3.
  7. Now you have made a 3-D! Have fun drawing it in other stuff!
  8. Finished.


  • Make sure you use a ruler or else you might have a crooked 3D shape, however; when doing a rough sketch you don't really need the ruler.
  • Lines have to be the same length as the square you draw in step 1
  • If you want to draw a rectangle or another shape just fallow these instructions but just with the base shape of what you are doing.


  • Make sure that all the lines are the same length.
  • All the time have the lines slanting the same way. Always!
  • If you draw stuff inside the 3-D cube it will not work.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil or pen (any writing material.)
  • Ruler (optional)

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