Draw a Heart with Wings

If you're thinking of getting a heart with wings tattoo but haven't found the right design yet, follow this tutorial and you'll be able to make your own design. You can choose between a cartoon or a Gothic design.

Note: follow the red line for each step.


A Cartoon Heart with Wings

  1. Sketch a big triangle pointing downwards in the middle of the page.
  2. Draw a smaller triangle pointing upwards on the right corner of the big triangle.
  3. Draw another small triangle pointing upwards, this time on the left corner of the big triangle.
  4. Outline the shape of the heart and the wings on the sketched triangles. Make cute small, roundish wings and a cute stylized heart.
  5. Erase the sketch lines and make the contour stronger.
  6. Add in the color and you're done!

A Gothic Heart with Wings

  1. Sketch an upside-down egg shape.
  2. Draw a big egg shape on the left of the egg.
  3. Draw another one on the right side.
  4. Outline the shape of a heart on the smaller egg shape sketch. Draw flames around the heart.
  5. Draw spread out wings with ruffled feathers on the two large egg shapes
  6. Erase the sketch lines and strengthen the contour with the pencil.
  7. Add in the color and you're done!

A Cartoon Heart with Wings

  1. Draw a circle with a vertical line crossing the center point at the middle and extending a little outside the circle. Draw two vertical lines parallel to one another at the upper half of the circle. This will be the framework.
  2. Draw the heart shape using the framework as guide for the curves.
  3. Draw the wings using rounded curves at both left and right side.
  4. Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines.
  5. Refine and color to your liking!

A Traditional Heart with Wings

  1. Draw a vertical oval at the center of the page. This will be framework for the heart.
  2. Draw curve lines at the upper left part of the oval.
  3. Draw details of a heart including veins and valves at the upper right portion of the oval.
  4. Draw the bottom parts to resemble the heart’s muscles and atria using curve lines.
  5. Draw the left wing using simple shape of aerofoil and details for the feathers.
  6. Draw the second layer of feathers using rounded curve lines.
  7. Draw the last layer of feathers using curve lines which are longer.
  8. Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines. Repeat preceding steps to draw the right wing.
  9. Refine and color the drawing to fit your desires!

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser gum
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors

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