Get Anyone to Find You Irresistibly Attractive
Have you ever seen a close couple somewhere that seem totally out of place or not each others' type? Why would they date? What did one person see in the other?. Well, odds are that one of them unwittingly presented their date with the following tactics. But why should it work for you? Because, in most cases, these steps help to override someone else's idea of attractiveness. No matter who it is, this page's contents will bring romantic interest into your life.
- Do something with the person you want to be attractive to where emotional arousal is high. This includes watching thrilling movies, sitting next to each other on an intense amusement park ride, or even exercising. These activities raise adrenaline, if even a little bit, which enhances emotional feelings towards whomever you are with. Talk about topics that feed romance. Good subjects are: hopes and aspirations, personal interests, music, dreams and travel.
- Youthfulness is a perception that increases attraction in many people. Posture and walking forms greatly influence how youthful you appear. Therefore, people who are flexible, and exhibit their flexibility in their daily posture, seem more youthful. The practice of yoga may help increase flexibility as well as peace of mind.
- Look directly in the person's eyes while talking and listening to them. Studies confirm that passionate feelings for someone can easily form when they gaze into your eyes. Do not look away or let your eyes wander while practicing this.
- People find others more attractive when they feel confident about themselves. Approach someone while they are self-conscious, and be friendly, so that you will actually appear more attractive to that person.
- Once the person likes you already, let them know that you like them. This will greatly deepen the attraction, bringing on the wonderful emotion of hope. They will feel hopeful for a relationship with you. However, this will only work if you are sure that they like you.
- A very strong bond occurs when we feel physical attraction and affection towards someone and that person reciprocates the feelings. In fact, the "go" signals a person receives is a more powerful motivator than how physically attractive the object of desire is. People are simply attracted to others (platonically and romantically) more when they know the other person likes them.
- Be open and genuine in your intentions and actions, especially in the early stages of the relationship when trust is being established.
- Don't rush to judgment: individuals who live in judgment of others and form quick impressions tend to be very poor flirts and very poor at building rapport with anyone - period. Take time to get to know a person, rather than assuming things about that person.
- Only give sincere compliments.
- First impressions count! Make a good first impression with this person, and the attractiveness will probably increase five-fold! If you've already met them and haven't made a good first impression, that's okay, these techniques will still work.
- Learn to use constructive communication styles during times of conflict. Avoid criticism, contempt and insults when having an argument. Try to keep the positive comments, gestures and actions well above the negative ones.
- Be sure you are interesting, but always be yourself. Include humor into your conversations, and don't take yourself too seriously. Being witty and flirtatious is attractive, as long as you don't go overboard!
- Don't be superficial. Be yourself. This person will probably be able to tell if you're faking your personality. You won't have a chance with this person if you ever do that. If you do, it'll be short lived.
- Please, for the sake of everyone: DON'T JUST GO AND TELL THEM THAT YOU'RE ATTRACTED TO THEM. It's awkward for everybody, especially you.
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Sources and Citations
- Get Anyone To Do Anything; by David J. Lieberman, Ph.D.