Get a Paper Route in Your Local Community


Finding a Paper Delivery Job

  1. Find the number for the Circulation Department. Look online or in a phone book to find the contact information for your local papers Circulation Department.[1] Alternatively, look in the newspaper. Newspapers often list contact information on the front or back page.
    • If you can’t find the number for the Circulation Department, call a customer service representative for help.
  2. Ask about newspaper delivery routes. Once you get in contact with the Circulation Department, ask about any delivery jobs they have available. Say that you’re a young adult looking to deliver newspapers on your bicycle. If you omit this information, they may think you want to deliver newspapers with your car.[2]
    • Don’t attempt to take over a car delivery route with your bicycle. Car delivery routes have higher age minimums and cover many more square miles.
  3. Attend any required interviews. Not all delivery jobs will require an interview. However, if you have to attend one, remember to be calm and professional. Talk about your strengths positively, but be honest when answering questions. Interview questions may include:
    • ”Are you afraid of pets? Would that affect your delivery performance?”
    • ”Do you work well when unsupervised?”
    • ”Do you get lost easily?”
    • ”Can you work in difficult weather conditions?”[3]
  4. Ask your own questions. An interview gives you an opportunity to find out more about the job. Ask about the job requirements, such as when you’ll need to be at work and what you’ll do once you’re there. Additionally, make sure you know in advance how much you’ll get paid. Many delivery jobs pay minimum wage but it can vary depending on the newspaper. Other excellent questions include:
    • ”Will I need to collect any money from customers?” [4]
    • ”Can you walk me through a typical shift delivering papers?”
    • ”Would I be able to get time off if I needed it?”
  5. Attend any training sessions. If you get the job, the newspaper will train you on delivering papers in your community. Each newspaper has different requirements. For example, some newspapers require you to stuff all of your newspapers into plastic sleeves before you deliver them. Other requirements can include:
    • Delivering papers seven days a week
    • Putting newspapers in specific places, especially for disabled customers
    • Finishing before a certain time
  6. Decide whether a delivery route is right for you. Delivering newspapers can be an excellent source of income for a preteen or young adult. However, there are many factors that may affect whether or not you want the job. For example, you will have to deliver newspapers no matter what the weather is like. Other considerations include:
    • Many newspaper delivery jobs don’t offer vacation days. If you need time off, you will have to pay someone to replace you.[5]
    • While the average minimum age for paper delivery is thirteen, your state may be different. Check with your local government to be sure.[6]
    • If someone complains about the way you deliver your paper, you may have the cost of their paper taken from your paycheck.[7]

Outfitting Your Bicycle to Deliver Papers

  1. Attach a basket to your bicycle. You will need a container on your bicycle to hold the newspapers before you deliver them. You can put the basket on the back of your bike or on the handlebars.[8] If you need advice, ask your coworkers what kind of baskets they use and how they attached them.
    • Many bike shops have inexpensive baskets for sale and will also help you attach them.
    • Alternatively, make your own basket and Transport Objects on a Bike
  2. Add any bike safety equipment to your bike. Bike safety equipment will make you more visible to cars. This important equipment can be bought online or at your local bike shop. If you need help choosing or attaching this equipment, talk to a bike shop representative or your local biking association. Safety equipment includes:
    • Colored flags that can be mounted on the back of your bike
    • Active lights placed on the front and back of your bike
    • A headlight, placed on the handlebars
    • Reflective tape that can be placed on the tires and body of your bike[9]
  3. Keep your bike in good repair. Protect your bike from the rain by storing it in a garage or covering it with a tarp. Additionally, check the air pressure in your tires each time you use your bike. Either press the tires to see if they’re firm or use a Use the Correct Tire Pressure While Biking Other maintenance includes:
    • Checking for rust on the body of the bike
    • Making sure the chain is oiled and clean
    • Wiggling the seat and handlebars to make sure they’re not loose
    • Replacing the tires if they become worn down or punctured

Delivering Papers Safely

  1. Wear bike safety gear. You should always wear safety gear when riding a bike. However, this is especially important when delivering papers. If it’s early enough, it may still be dark out and cars will have trouble seeing you. Buy any safety gear at your local bike shop to make sure everything fits properly and meets minimum safety requirements. Be sure to purchase:
    • A sturdy, well-fitting helmet
    • Knee and elbow pads
    • Leather gloves to protect your hands
    • A reflector vest to increase your visibility[10]
    • A reflective poncho to wear in the rain
  2. Determine whether you can ride on the sidewalk. Depending on local laws, children under a certain age are allowed to ride their bikes on the sidewalk.[11] If possible, ride on the sidewalk when delivering papers. You will be out of the reach of cars and can ride at your own pace.
    • Check online or call your local government to determine whether or not you can bike on the sidewalk.
    • When riding on the sidewalk, take care to avoid any early morning joggers or pedestrians.
  3. Take care when riding in bad weather. You will have to deliver newspapers in the rain, snow, and sleet. Therefore, when you ride in bad weather, take extra care to avoid any obstructions in the road. For example, avoid riding over any ice patches.[12] Other obstructions can include:
    • Tree branches that fall down in a storm
    • Large puddles of water that may be hiding an uneven road
    • Broken or cracked asphalt
  4. Be very aware of cars. No matter where you ride your bike, be aware of any cars that may be around you. Don’t expect cars to see you, even if you’re on the sidewalk. For example, if you’re not paying attention, a car could back out of their driveway while you ride past.[13] Additionally:
    • Look both ways before crossing any streets.
    • Be aware of cars that may be turning right or left as you cross the street.


  • Bring a water bottle with you when you deliver papers.
  • Bring a first aid kit just in case you fall off your bike.
  • Bring your cell phone. You may need to call someone if you get hurt.


  • Avoid dogs, especially strays. They may not be friendly.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Be on time for your job or you may lose it.

Sources and Citations