Know if a Person Is Interested in You

Finding out whether or not another person is interested in you is somewhat of an art but it's one that every person is capable of, with a little attentiveness. Consider your feelings around this person, their reactions and the signs of interest before making up your mind that there is a possibility that this person is interested in you.


  1. Think positive. If you think you've been getting positive vibes and attention from the person you're interested in, it may well be the case. Assume the best but stay on your best behavior as well.
    • While you may have been getting good vibes, sometimes you may be mixing up the signals and making the wrong assumption. As such, you'll need to know more than just "feeling it".
  2. Look for signs of interest from the other person. In particular, watch the body language of the other person to see whether or not they're flirting. For more details, read How to read women's body language for flirting or How to read men's body language for flirting.
    • Watch for the person making excuses to be near you and spend time with you. Notice the person brushing up against you a lot, or trying to touch you often, all without making it obvious.
    • Catch their eyes. Do they look away quickly in embarrassment? Or hold your eye contact defiantly with a "come hither" look? Either way may be a sign of interest.
    • Does the person smile at you more than usual? This may be a sign.
    • If the person is normally chatty, have they suddenly gone silent around you? Or, has a normally quiet person suddenly become chatty? Behaving in the opposite way from their normal behavior can be a sign of trying to impress you.
    • There is a human reflex reaction when a person sees the object of their affection. The eyes open wide, eyebrows rise, nostrils flare, mouth rounds into an "O", It lasts about a second. This kind of face is considered more attractive. So if somebody sees you and briefly makes this face, they find you attractive on some level.
  3. Respond with similar signals to show your interest. This is a way of potentially giving them the space to become more flirtatious or open about their interest in you. Once they feel certain about your signals, they may relax and open up more.
    • If you're wrong about it, laugh it off or apologize for being presumptuous, whatever seems most appropriate at the time.
  4. Change your position if there is definite interest. See whether he/she still glances at you at your new position. If yes, the interest is there.
  5. Make a final confirmation. Walk past the person. Close, but not very. See if this induces some visible effects. If yes, you can be sure the person is interested.
  6. Pluck up the courage and ask him/her. This is especially useful if you already know each other well. (Sometimes he/she may answer no, to throw you off course).
  7. Be happy if he/she tells you that they like you or asks you out. By this stage you can be sure they like you!


  • If he is standing there looking at you and you don't even know... look at him once and if he is staring... then he is interested in you, but he might not stare at you all day...
  • If you want a clarification, ask a friend of theirs.
  • If you're too shy to directly say you like them back, have a mutual friend say it.
  • If you are completely sure they like you, and if you like them back, say so!
  • Always ask them out in person. Texting might be easier, though it would be less personal and less meaningful.


  • Look behind you if he's staring; he might be looking at that girl behind you.
  • Don't keep coming on to someone if they don't like you.
  • If you like them, then don't ask them out through a friend. Ask them personally; then it won't be as awkward.

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