Know if You Have a Crush on a Guy
You're starting to suspect that you have a crush on a guy you know, but you can't quite figure out if you're just thinking about him more than usual, or if you're in full-blown crush mode. You may be feeling butterflies every time you come near him, or you could just be suffering from indigestion. If you really want to know if you have a crush on a guy, you have to pay attention to what you think and feel and notice how you act. If you want to find out whether you have a crush on a guy, then read these easy tips.
Notice What You Think
- If you think you have a crush on him, you probably do. If you're asking yourself whether you have a crush on a guy and care enough to do some research on the topic, then chances are, you probably do. You may be second-guessing yourself because the guy is an old friend, or an unlikely target for your affection, or because you're just plain confused.
- But don't overthink it -- having a crush on someone doesn't mean you want him to be your soul mate. It just means you like him and want to spend more time around him.
- Notice how often you think of him. This is another easy way to tell if you have a crush on him. Why would you spend a lot of time thinking about a guy if he wasn't special to you? If you find yourself thinking about the guy every few hours, or just wondering what the guy is up to all the time, then you probably have a crush on him. Here are some ways to tell if your thoughts say you have a crush:
- If you catch yourself daydreaming about the guy in class.
- If you think about the guy as you drift off to sleep. Bonus points if you ever dream about him, even if it isn't in a romantic way.
- If you find yourself always wondering what the guy is doing or what he's up to.
- If you're always wondering what the guy would think about certain things. What would he think of your new dress, your new haircut, the movie you just saw, or the restaurant you just tried?
- Notice how often you think about the guy each day. Once a day? Maybe not. Once an hour? Probably a crush.
- Notice if you can't concentrate. A lack of concentration is another sure-fire sign that you have a crush on a guy. If you're completely focused on yourself, your grades, and your friends, then you don't have time to think about a crush. But if you can barely read a page of your book for homework because your thoughts keep drifting to him, then this is a sign that you are crushing hard.
- If you're feeling so distracted by the thought of your guy that you can't even hold a conversation with one of your friends for more than five minutes, then you have a crush.
- If you can't read more than a paragraph of your homework assignment without picturing your guy's face, or wondering if he did his homework, then you have a crush.
- If you find yourself drifting off with thoughts of your guy in the middle of a movie, or even during a thirty-minute TV show, then you have a crush.
- If you're so distracted that you can't focus on taking notes in class and find yourself doodling the guy's name, then you are definitely crushing.
- Notice if you've thought about another guy this way before. Chances are, this isn't your first crush, so think of another guy you've crushed on in the past and compare it to that. Though no two relationships or crushes are the same, if you've thought about a different crush the same way before, then chances are, this guy is your new crush.
- Try to remember if you thought about a different crush this way before. What kind of thoughts did you have? If you're having similar thoughts about a new boy toy, then it's likely that you have a crush.
- Know your crushing style. Were you also in denial when you were falling for your previous crush? If so, then this is a sign that this is your way of easing into a crush.
- If you've never had a crush, then you may not have anything to compare your crush to. If this is the case, then you probably do have a crush and just don't know what it feels like!
Notice What You Feel
- Notice if you're excited. If you're excited to be around your guy and only feel your excitement build after you spend more time together, then chances are, you have a crush. If the guy made you feel too relaxed instead of excited, then this would mean that you're comfortable around him but probably don't see him as crush material.
- If you can't stay still when you're around him, then you may have a crush. If your hands shake, or you can't stop talking, or you just keep gesturing when you speak, then your energy level is higher than usual because you have a crush.
- If you're so excited that you laugh at everything he says even if it's not that funny, you probably have a crush. If you like the guy, you're more likely to think that every word that comes out of his mouth is hilarious.
- If you're so excited that you can't sleep at night because you keep thinking of the guy or replaying your conversation in your head, then you have a crush.
- If you feel a jolt of excitement and your heart races when he greets you, texts or chats you, or even just when he says your name, then you have a crush.
- Notice if you're nervous. If you have a crush on the guy, then you won't feel completely comfortable around him. Instead, you would feel nervous because you're worried about what he thinks about you and don't want to say the wrong thing. If you're nervous, it means you care what he thinks about you, and if you care what he thinks about you, then -- you guessed it -- you have a crush.
- If your hands tremble, your knees shake, or your voice wavers when you're around him, then he's making you nervous.
- If you're so nervous that you keep rambling when you talk to him or just completely clam up because you can't think of anything to say, then you have a crush.
- If you're so nervous that you bump into things around him, walk into tables, or drop all of the contents of your purse in front of him, then you have a crush.
- If you're so nervous that you always feel embarrassed, or constantly blush when you're around the guy even though there's no reason for it, then you have a crush.
- Notice how you feel about the guy being with other girls. If you have a crush, then it's natural for you to not want the guy you like to be dating, talking about, or maybe even hanging out with other girls. If you're cool with him having a girlfriend or flirting with a lot of girls, then you probably don't have a crush on him.
- If the thought of the guy dating other girls makes you cringe, you probably have a crush.
- If the thought of the guy just hanging out with other girls makes you feel squeamish, then you definitely have a crush. Just try not to make this a problem in the future or you may be facing some jealousy issues.
- If he has a girlfriend and you think he has a great relationship and are happy for him without any complications, then you probably don't have a crush.
Notice What You Do
- Notice what you say. The things you say to the guy, or even the things you talk about when you're not around the guy, can be a big indication of whether or not you have a crush on the guy. Here's how to know if the things you say mean that you have a serious crush:
- If you find yourself always teasing the guy. If you always end up poking fun at the guy without meaning to, it means you have a crush.
- If you talk really fast or stutter when you say anything to the guy, it means you have a crush.
- If you're careful about not saying anything that might make you look like a ditz or dumb in front of the guy, then you have a crush. And if you feel like everything you say to him does make you sound like a ditz, then you probably have a crush.
- If you can't talk to one of your friends for more than ten minutes without mentioning the guy, then you have a crush. If you have a crush, your friends may be able to pick up on it before you do.
- Notice how you act. You can learn a lot about whether or not you have a crush on the guy based on how you act around him, or even how you act when he's miles away. Here are a few ways to know if your actions mean you've been bit by the crush bug:
- If you go out of your way to hang out with him, then you have a crush on him. If you've never watched baseball in your life but are suddenly going to all the school games because you know he'll be sitting in the bleachers, then you have a crush.
- If you want to be near him whenever you do hang out. If you find yourself drifting toward him when you're in a group of friends, or even touching him in a playful way whenever you can, then you have a crush.
- If you can't stand being around him when he's flirting with other girls, then you have a crush.
- If your heart falls when you show up to a place where you thought he'd be and he isn't there, then you have a crush.
- Notice if you're starting to pay more attention to your looks. It may not be a coincidence that you're suddenly spending twice as much time in front of the mirror whenever you know you'll see the guy. Here's how to know if your grooming habits and attention to your looks say that you have a crush on the guy:
- If you try twice as hard to look good if you know you'll see him. If you wear your best outfit, best hairdo, and most amazing eye makeup when you know he'll be there, then you have a crush.
- If you find yourself experimenting with new makeup looks or jewelry to see if he notices, then you have a crush.
- If you find yourself not caring at all about how you look if you go somewhere where you know you won't see him, then you have a crush.
- Notice if you're starting to change your personality. Let's say this guy is the athletic, typical-boy type. You might find yourself practicing basketball and soccer, or buying Nike shoes, so your guy can get interested at you. And if you want your guy to get interested at you, that basically means you have a crush on him and will kind of do anything for him.
- It's kind of hard to have a crush on someone and not know it. If you think you have a crush on a guy, you probably do. But it's normal to feel confused about your feelings.
- Don't just choose a guy simply because of his looks.
- A good friend may be able to tell if you have a crush on a guy long before you do. If your friend insists you have a crush on a guy, take some time time to think about it.
- Often when you meet a new guy, it is possible that you might be confused about whether you want to be with him and get to know him as a friend, or as a crush.
- Don't stress over it too much. If you like spending time with him, does it really matter whether or not you 'like like' him?
- If you are confused on if you like him or not see if your friends think you are acting shy and nervous around him.
- Get to know the guy before you decide whether you like him or not, and if you don't have the courage to talk to him, then by "accident", bump in to him, say sorry. This might prove as a good chance to know his name and more about his personality.
- Don't hangout where he is at everyday or he will feel like you are stalking him and he will be embarrassed if in public.
- Don't allow your infatuation to interfere with your education and/or health. The crush will pass. Don't waste your future. If you have a crush on the guy you will stick around him.
- If someone says that they think he has a crush on someone who isn't you and you get jealous, it's more than likely that you have a crush on him.
- What happens happens. Don't overdo your appearance because the guy might like you for you.
- Don't confuse these things with being around a good friend. The lines can get more blurred between friend and crush after a while.
- If you find yourself stalking him on social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) then you probably have a crush on him.
- If you are new to the whole crush thing and you feel confused, it's better if you tell what you're feeling around this person to someone you trust greatly.
- Do you ever want to get close to him example, of your in class or P.E do you want to sit next to or tag in oh I don't know capture the flag if so you are way attracted.
- If you have a choice to either sit with him or sit with your friends at lunch and you pick him, chances are you have a crush.
- Having a crush feels like your heart is suddenly skipping. You feel sad if he's across the room from you in class. If this is your first crush, do not try to handle it yourself. Talk about it with an older friend or a family member.
- If you find yourself hanging out with him a lot or playfully making fun of him, you probably have a crush on him. You may also if you seem to be protecting or supporting him on many things.
- It's true that friends tend to pick up on crushes before you do, but don't let a friend confuse you into thinking that you have a crush. Just because they think something doesn't mean it's true.
- Try and come out of the comfort zone guys like girls who are open minded honest and a great laugh.
- If you think to yourself, "What if this means he likes me?" and can't stop smiling, then you have a crush.
- Don't be a stalker and follow him everywhere or text him every night. It's good to have a crush on someone but don't let it take over your life. Also be careful on who you tell who you like. It can spread like wildfire and you may not have wanted him/her to know. If he's a cute guy and you only like him for his looks and you don't know the guy at all then get to know the guy. He may be nothing like you thought or you may like him even more for his insides and outsides than just his outsides.
- Just because your personality changes doesn't mean that you have a crush on him. It could just be that you're interested in trying more things and improving your talents. But if you're actually trying to earn all the skills the guy has, you probably have a crush on him.
- Remember, there ISNT such thing as " Love at first sight " . You may know that right when you meat him, you're gonna like him, but it takes time for love, and to have a good relationship you need to be patient. I've liked a guy for two years, and it's only gotten stronger.
- Never let your crush treat you badly and take advantage of you. If it is toxic in the friend stage it will be toxic in the relationship.
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