Make a Whistle from a Straw

It is really simple to make a whistle just using a drinking straw. All you need is a straw, something sharp to cut holes in the straw with. Now practice blowing a tune with your new straw.


  1. Obtain a straw. If you use the one you have used after drinking, rinse it out and let it dry before going to the next step. If the straw is wrapped, remove its wrapper.
  2. Cut one end of the straw. Make this end slanted and pointed. This will form the bottom of the straw whistle.
  3. Make holes in the straw whistle. Cut 2 to 3 round holes at the top end of the straw. Anything that can be pressed through the straw is suitable to make holes with - a pen, scissors or something else sharp. However, be careful to only cut the holes in one side of the straw and not to pass through to the other side.
  4. Try to play a tune. Place your mouth on the uncut end of the straw whistle. Blow and see if you can make a sound. When you can get a sound, place your fingers on different positions of the holes to see if you can modify the sounds coming out.
  5. Keep trying. If your first straw whistle is not a success, try making another one. Adjust where you have placed the holes to see if this makes a difference. Practice makes perfect.


  • It also helps to play a bit with the position of your tongue. It can help to get a high-pitched, clear sound.
  • Flatten the straw slightly. This tends to improve the sound.


  • Don't cut the straw too much.
  • Make sure you don't rip the straw.
  • Don't make the straw too wide.

Things You'll Need

  • Drinking straw
  • Scissors or other object sharp enough to pierce holes in the straw and cut a slanted end

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