Save a Page to a Safari Reading List in iOS

Safari on your Apple device has a function that allows you to quickly save a page you are reading in order to either view it later offline or on another device. This app is called Reading List. This article will walk you through the process of saving a page to your Safari Reading List on either your phone or Apple computer. While the processes are very similar, there are subtle differences between each device.


Saving a Page on Your iPhone

  1. Open Safari. Tap the Safari icon to launch the mobile Safari web browser on your device. Reading List first became available in Mac OS X Lion, so if you are using an older operating system, you will not be able to save things to a reading list.
  2. Navigate to the web page you want to save. You will need to be viewing the webpage in order to save it to your reading list.
  3. Tap the action icon. This is the icon at the bottom of your screen which is an arrow pointing out of a box.
  4. Select “Add to Reading List.” This is the button from the context menu that looks like a pair of glasses. You will be able to read pages from your reading list even if you do not have an internet connection.[1]
  5. View your Reading List. To view your reading list tab the book icon that can be found to the right of the action icon. Then press the Reading List, or glasses, icon.

Saving a Page on Your Computer

  1. Go the webpage you want to add. In Safari, navigate to the page that you wish to save to your reading list.
  2. Click the action icon. This looks like a square with an arrow pointing up and it can be found in the upper right-hand corner of your Safari window.
  3. Select "Add to Reading List." From the dropdown menu that appears, select "Add to Reading List."[2]
  4. Go to your Reading List. To go to your reading list on your computer, select the Sidebar icon in the upper left-hand corner of your Safari window. Once the sidebar window appears, select the glasses icon to view your Reading list.

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