Show Your Lover That You Really Love Them
When you find someone you love, it is important that you show your love using multiple channels. Relationships can become difficult if true feelings are not communicated or expressed in the right ways. By staying open, honest, and consistent, you can be sure to show your lover just how in love you are.
Being by Your Partner's Side
- Tap into your emotional side. Intimate moments are a great way to show true love. They require both you, and your lover, to be vulnerable and open. This means that you have to share your deepest thoughts and feelings with one another by talking and listening.
- Hold him during hard times, and allow him to vent in your arms about anything.
- Rub your fingers through your lovers hair as you listen and provide comfort.
- Be as supportive as possible. Even if you do not necessarily agree with something he does, stand by your partner's side. This shows that you love him for who he really is, and you are not going anywhere. Do not put him down for seemingly obscure or odd interests, and always applaud any accomplishments he makes.
- Even if you advised against something, but your partner did it anyway and now regrets it, don’t say, “I told you so." Instead, be supportive and say, "Everyone makes mistakes. We just have to learn from them and move on." This provides support during tough times.
- Trust your lover. To show that you really love someone, you have to show how much trust you have for him. Remember, in order to receive trust, you have to show it.
- Do not doubt stories he tells you, and refrain from snooping through personal belongings he may leave out.
- Try not to show jealousy. Jealousy can stem from having a lack of trust, and your lover will feel upset by the lack of yours if you act jealous.
- Reassure your love with words. We all have doubts about our relationships. Verbal communication is a direct way to express how you feel, and confirm your love. Here are some things you can say:
- "I am so lucky to have met you. I love you so much."
- "You are my one and only. I never want to be with anyone else."
Practicing Loving Behaviors
- Admit your wrong doings. If your lover is mad at you because of something you did or didn't do, learn to accept fault and apologize. By swallowing your pride, you are showing that her feelings come before your ego.
- Always be honest. A wise man once said that trust is a must for relationship. When two people are in love, there needs to be total transparency. By always remaining honest with her, it will allow a deeper level of trust to develop, which allows more room for love to grow.
- Practice loving body language. Much of our communication happens through our body language. Be sure to physically show your affection to your partner whenever you two spend time together.
- Try holding hands, giving hugs, cuddling on the coach, and giving kisses.
- Give a kiss to her forehead or cheek. It is a small gesture that will go a long way.
- Look into her eyes during a conversation to show you are listening closely.
- Notice the small things. If she gets a haircut, or buys a new outfit, be sure to take notice and give her a compliment. By noticing the small things, she will feel appreciated and realize how much you care.
- Be patient. If you feel angry or frustrated with her, calmly communicate your feelings to your lover as to protect her feelings. Anger does not translate as love, but rather as disrespect. It could lead her into thinking you are annoyed and have hostile feelings towards her.
- Whether you are teaching her something new, or frustrated once again because a certain chore wasn't done, be patient, and refrain from yelling.
Showing Love with Special Gestures
- Make your partner's life easier and more enjoyable. If he had a rough day at work, or he is feeling ill, think about ways to help him feel better. He will notice the extra work you do for him, and he will know you love him by your actions.
- Volunteer to clean the house or make dinner. It is perfectly okay to pick up the extra slack for him when it is needed.
- Introduce your lover to friends and family. Show him you are proud to have someone like him by your side and in your life.
- Invite him to a family dinner or a family party. Stand by his side as you introduce him to everyone to make him feel comfortable, appreciated, and part of your life.
- Put thought into gift giving. For special dates, such as anniversaries and birthdays, buy something special or make a gift if you're crafty. The gift you get should speak to you and remind you of your partner. Remember, a thoughtful gift is more about the meaning behind it, than it is about how much money you spent.
- Listen to hints that he drops throughout the year about things he wants. He will feel special when you buy them because you made it a point to remember what he wanted.
- Leave a love note. Before you leave for the day, leave a special note for him to find. Write an inside joke, wish him a great day, or remind him how lucky you feel to love him. Here are some ideas:
- Write in the note, "I can't wait until I get to see you next. Spending time with you is my favorite thing in the world."
- Leave movie tickets inside a note with a message that says, "Can I take you on a date this weekend? We can see any movie you want."
- Make time for your lover. No matter how hectic your schedule is, it is important that you find time to spend with him. By taking time out of your busy schedule, it shows him that he is your priority.
- Skip a day of school or work, and plan a relaxing day at the beach or mall.
- Even if all you can fit into your schedule is a ten minute break to get coffee, do it. The spontaneity will be an appreciated surprise.
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