360 on a Bike

Pulling a 360 on a bike can be very fun. This article will teach you how to do so.


  1. Roll up to the ramp maybe one crank or two cranks faster then you would go for a 180.
  2. When you hit the coping of the quarter with your back wheel, start spinning in the direction you usually spin.
  3. when you begin to spin turn your head in the same direction that you're spinning as if you were trying to look at your back, keep your head turned for the whole 360.
  4. When you are coming around to face forward from the 360, you need to make sure to spot your landing spot.
  5. Land smooth and ride away and keep body straight


  • The trick is to wind your shoulders.
  • You need to learn your 180s and fakie pivots.


  • Wear safety equipment while learning.

Things You'll Need

  • A bike
  • Safety gauge (when training)
  • Bicycle helmet

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