Be a Popular Guy
Popularity for guys and for girls are two different things. Guys have it different than girls because of the different ways the two sexes look at things.
- Do a self evaluation, write down the things you like about yourself, the things you would like to change, and the things that you don't like about yourself but can't change.
- Know what you like about yourself, and don't forget it. The road to popularity can sometimes be hard. In order to keep yourself happy you need to remember these things.
- The things you don't like about yourself, change them. If you don't like that you are fat, then lose some weight, but only do it if you want to. Not all popular people have rock hard bodies.
- The most important things of all are the things you don't like about yourself that you can't change. If you realize that there are things about yourself that you can't change, and you're okay with that, it will boost your self esteem and overall make you a better person that people will want to be around and feed off that energy.
- Work out - If you look physically strong, girls will be attracted to you and you'll look a bit intimidating.
- Stay clean. Shower every day, brush your teeth, and wash your face to help prevent acne. Consult a dermatologist if you have serious acne problems.
- Walk with pride. Don't slouch, but know how to relax when it's appropriate. Look people in the eye when you speak to them, and show off your pearly whites when you smile; it's a lot more attractive than looking somber and emo. Self-confidence is really important, because that is the thing that sets your body posture. A lot of people who don't have much self-confidence usually slouch.
- Talk to people. Interest yourself in what others do, and who they are. They will then pay you this same respect. Try not to talk about yourself all the time and obsess over your special interests. People like someone listening to them.
- Become part of a group.
- Start slow and work your way up. Know the group you want to hang out with. If you want to be in a "popular" group, figure out who that group is. Study the group, and decide if it's what you really want.
- Pick one person from the clique/group you want to join, preferably someone you see a lot (i.e. having classes with them, do after school sports with, or live close to). Start talking to to this person, learn more about him, and he will slowly start to become your friend. Don't throw yourself at this person or they will be weirded out. As you become more of a friend to this person, you will learn more about the group, and how the people act. As you work your way through time, he will introduce you to some of his friends, and soon, you may just become part of the group.
- Consider what you're wearing. It's not really true that the clothes make the man, but looking nice can't hurt. Take a look at current trends, but wear what makes you feel good and confident.
- Laugh at others' jokes. As time goes on, you will feel comfortable enough to be funny, and others will laugh at your jokes.
- Make money. While money can't buy you popularity, it can be useful. Want to buy an iPod? Buy it with your own money to make it look good.
- Get involved in a sport or extracurricular activity such as soccer, basketball or baseball. This is apparently the most important step because it will definitely help you to meet people with the same interests as yours.
- Know what works best for you. While some guys might look good with slightly longer hair with highlights, some look better with spikes. Having a friend who's a girl (or a girlfriend) is very helpful in this case. Most of the time people say do what feels right for yourself, but if you want to be popular you have to start listening to other people's ideas. Just don't go too far.
- Act positively and don't go trying to impress people. Even though you might not seem to be a positive guy, act like one. Don't gossip about things, don't participate in an inappropriate activity, and try to stay normal. The reason why most guys try to impress people and end up pissed off is because people would think that this dude is acting like a maniac. It's okay to start a joke or prank once in a while, but don't try it too many times. People will think you are hyper and weird. They'll also think that you are some insane and tacky person.
- Don't be childish around girls. It's the biggest turn off. You can sometimes swear but not too much around girls and don't constantly talk about sex!
- Talk to popular people as much as you can but watch for how they're like. Try to fit in. When you get popular friends, it will eventually lead to a better rep.
- Most of all, don't be a consumer addict. If you need to buy iPods to impress your friends, get new friends.
- Remember, what you look like on the outside must reflect who you are on the inside.
- It's okay to have enemies. If you have enemies and you get into fights with them, try NOT to.
- Never neglect the persons who really likes you because it hurts them.
- Always think before you speak.
- Do not make your problems public. Talk them out with a few good or close friends.
- Do not make a lot of enemies.
- Do not suck up too much! Because then people will think you have an ulterior motive.
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