Draw a Castle
This tutorial will show you how to draw a cartoon castle and a simple castle. Have fun!
Cartoon Castle
- Make two rectangles in perspective.
- Draw an inverted conical shape, and a cylinder for the castle's main tower.
- Create more details for the side towers. Also create guidelines for the main gate.
- Draw out guide lines for the main tower roof tiles and the window(s) .
- Draw out the details for the roof, create a flag and the window.
- Draw and darken out the side tower details.
- Draw out other details like the main gate. Also add some foliage.
- Color the picture and add the road, some rocks and clouds.
Simple Castle
- Start by drawing a horizontal line for the horizon.
- Draw out two rectangles in perspective .
- Start drawing more guide lines to cut out towers and the main building. The rectangle in perspective is for the bridge over the moat.
- Add more guide lines for the towers to give them a cylindrical shape.
- Add more guides to define cuts in the towers for ridges .
- Keep adding guide lines for more details, like the main gate, windows etc.
- Start drawing darker lines to define the towers and the bridge.
- Add the main gate and the windows .
- Add in details for the wooden bridge.
- Start adding colour to the castle main building and towers.
- Add in some shadows and depth .
- Colour the windows and darker parts of the castle .
- Finish the coloring by adding more tones and shades to the picture.
A Hill Castle
- Draw two perspective lines.
- Based from the perspective lines, draw a rectangle for the main section of the castle.
- Draw a two perspective rectangles on top of the other for the main tower of the castle.
- Draw another set of rectangles based from the perspective lines for a set of towers.
- Draw three cylinders on the castle edges for the guard towers.
- Draw two rectangles for the gate towers and another longer tower for the prison tower.
- Add the hill by drawing curves below the castle and draw a road leading to the castle.
- Based on the outlines, draw the main sections of the castle, add rugged rectangles on top of each section.
- Add details to the castle such as windows, rock texture and the gate.
- Erase unnecessary outlines.
- Color your castle!
A Fantasy Castle
- Draw a rectangle for the main section of the castle.
- The castle guard towers are composed of a trapezoid, rectangle and a semi-diamond shape combined together. Draw four guard towers on the main section of the castle.
- Draw a rectangle with a curved shape for the roof.
- Draw three sets of curves each with a triangle on top.
- Draw a tower section of the using rectangles and a semi-diamond.
- Draw another smaller tower by using rectangles, an inverted trapezoid, and a triangle.
- Draw the final tower by using triangles and rectangles.
- Based on the outlines, draw the main sections of the castle.
- Draw details such as banner, flag, gate, windows, roof and wall textures.
- Erase unnecessary outlines.
- Add environment by adding trees and a bridge.
- Color your castle!
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser gum
- Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors
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