Make a Girl Chase You

Do you want to be the one that your crush is chasing? Do you feel like you need some love? If so, read on...


  1. Be friendly. Girl like when boys make the first move. If you initiate conversation, then she'll be all the more willing to keep it up, even if she doesn't have a crush on you.
  2. However, don't stick yourself in the friend zone. Try to be a little flirty all the time, too.
    • Don't underestimate the power of withdrawal. If she flirts, flirt back, but keep it short and leave her wanting more. Don't make yourself so easy to get that she becomes uninterested.
  3. Let it spread. Hint to someone close to her that you're interested. They're bound to tell the girl you're eyeing! Don't make it seem desperate, though. You may find out if she already likes you from a mutual friend! If she does, your work is easy! Just let her chase you.
  4. Compliment her. In case you didn't know, girls like that! However, don't let her EXPECT the compliments, then it's you doing the chasing. Also, be sure to compliment the right things. If you don't know the girl well, just talking about how hot she is will make her think you're just interested in the physical stuff, and you don't want that.
  5. Hang out with your other friends. Be cool! Let her see you have a social life, but don't be cocky about it, and don't try too hard to be busy or it will show.
    • Be slightly distant without being rude. 'Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen DOESN'T work. Many girls will become confused and hurt if you try this, and may lose interest all together.
  6. Hang out in a group. Ask her out on a group thing, but spend a lot of time with her. She'll think of it as a date subconsciously if she spends most of the night talking to you.
  7. Drop hints. Describe an ideal girlfriend, using a lot of the qualities that the girl you're talking to has. Don't come right out and say it, but by dropping hints she'll begin to think of herself as a good fit for you.
  8. Focus on you. Overall, once you've established yourself as a usual person she talks to, ease back a bit. Don't ignore her entirely, just try play it cool. Once she realizes you haven't spoken in a while she'll be missing you, then she'll start messaging you first and seeking you out. Hence, chasing you. From then on flirt, sweet talk and play it hot and cold, it'll keep her constantly looking for approval and attention for you, but you'll hold the power. Just remember not to stay too distant, or she may think you're too hard to get.


  • It's all about balance, you can follow these tips but always remember just to be yourself. If you're acting like someone that you aren't, she might think you're either fake or you just like her looks. Girls don't like superficial guys!
  • Remember that the point of trying to get her to chase you is not to stick yourself in the friend zone, but to suggest that you want something more. If she has a crush on you, she'll especially be keen on doing this.


  • If you wait too long to contact her, it may hurt her feelings and make her feel like you don't care. If she's not the kind of girl that's going to chase, then don't try to force that on her.
  • If you really like this girl and you want to impress her, keep your flirting with other girls to a minimum. This is entirely the wrong way to approach getting her attention.
  • Remember to be friendly, above always.

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