Tell if a Girl Likes You in School
Girls can be mysterious creatures. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if she likes you, or if she's just being nice. Luckily, there are clues you can look for. For example, if she acts nervous, angles herself towards you, plays with her hair, or stares at you, she may like you. You can also try little tricks to test it out, such as walking in front of her—if she tries to catch up, she might like you! Read on for some more advice on how to tell if a girl likes you in school.
- Be yourself. Be confident, keep your head up, and look her into her eyes. If you are confident you can make the first move.
- Ask her about herself. Typically, people love to talk about themselves. Ask her questions and get to know her. If she doesn't know you or doesn't seem interested in sharing, back off. You don't want to come off as creepy.
- Ask her a simple question. "May I sit?" If she doesn't reply quickly, it means that she wants you to stick around longer because she likes you. If she likes you she'll want to talk to you more than any other person...unless she's playing hard to get. Also, if she smiles while she's talking, or says not yes not no answers, that means she is nervous of how you will judge her.
- She'll start random conversations with you. If she likes you, especially if you don't talk with her too much, she will attempt to talk to you and start very small conversations. If she has a question, take note if she goes out of her way to ask you instead of anyone else.
- If she walks by you and doesn't look at you or acknowledge you, it may be because she wants you to think she isn't interested. Call out her name and say, "Hi." She will probably just smile because she is nervous.
- Does she pay attention to you? When she talks to you, does she say your name a lot? If so, it means that she wants you to notice that she likes you.
- Say something random to her. Blurt it at her and keep doing so until she notices. Chances are, if she has even a trace amount of feelings for you, she'll smile and try to stretch the conversation. If she just gives you a dirty look and turns away, it's okay, just go to the next step.
- Make sure to be nice to her. Make sure that you do not make her think you dislike her at all! Be polite and gentleman-like.
- If her friends look at her and then you, or whenever you are talking to her, her friends give looks at you and raise their eyebrows, this is also a good sign, and if somebody says she likes you, chances are she told them because she was hoping you would find out. Don't worry if her friends don't act different around you, she may not have told them.
- If you sit diagonal from her in class, her knees or shoulders will be pointed towards you. Or if you sit across from her, she will be angled in towards you. This means she likes you and wants to get closer to you.
- If you are sitting beside her and she has her legs crossed over and her crossed over leg is towards you this may mean that she is comfortable in your company and likes to talk to you.
- If you're sitting behind her, she will lean back on her chair, and try to get your attention (for example, copying your habits) and will look for ways to turn around and look at you (passing an assignment back, she'll turn around and look at you).
- Another sign that you can tell if a girl likes you is if she smiles every time you come and talk to her.
- Ask her out and see what she says. Get it out of the way! If she likes you, it will save a lot of running around after her.
- If you like her, give her hints on Snapchat or Facebook, say. "I'm always thinking of her," and if she asks you, "Who do you like?" tell her that it's her, or you can say that her name starts with a (the letter her name starts with) and get her to think a little before you tell her. This is a really good flirting method, but only do this to a point, because most girls like guys to come straight out with it.
- If the girl is online, chat with her a bit, then tell her you have to go. If she logs off, then that is a big hint that she likes you.
- Notice her movements. If she is playing with her bangs, tugging on her hair, playing with her hair, or adjusting her clothes when she is talking to you, she probably likes you. Girls seem to get nervous around the guy they like. If she can't look you in the eye, it may be a sign of something good. She could really like you and want to look good for you, or she's very nervous around you.
- Pay attention to whether she changes her posture when you enter the class. This is a definite sign.
- Here's a great hint that she likes you. When you're talking to her (beforehand) have your friend walk up and say, "Hi." If she says, "Hi," and turns back to you, she either wants your attention or wants him to leave so she can continue.
- Notice when you tease her. If she has a hard time thinking of a comeback she probably likes you but doesn't want to go any further so that she doesn't offend you.
- Don't talk to her best friend obsessively, as this could hint that maybe you like her best friend and that is not a good sign! Girls can get jealous.
- When you're in the hallway, try to walk a couple of steps in front of her. If she likes you, she'll walk faster to catch up with you. On the other hand, if she's walking in front of you, and she's walking really slowly, it's because she wants you to speed up and walk next to her. If she slows down behind you, don't take this as a sign she doesn't like you! She's probably just nervous.
- If you talk to her in class and she's quiet and quick speaking, but you talk to her on the phone or something and she's all loud and not nervous, she may like you.
- Notice when she sits by you in class. If she tries to act funny around you, then there might definitely be something there.
- Get up a few times in class. See if she follows in your direction. If she does, don't do this very many times. Otherwise, she may notice what you are doing.
- If she looks at you and doesn't say anything, then she is waiting for you to say something to start the conversation or give a simple sign to let her know that you notice her, like a wave and smile. If she does the same back, she probably likes you.
- If you both have Facebook accounts or something similar and she starts chatting with you within five minutes of your arrival online, and this happens a few times, this is a good sign. It means that she is watching the chat list and waiting for you to come online. However, if she doesn't do this every time, don't worry; she is probably worried about bugging you or appearing pushy.
- If you have known her for a long time, then if she likes you, she will start to change her behavior, unconsciously or consciously. She may become a 'better' person, or start copying some things that you do as an attempt to impress you. This is also a good way of finding out roughly how long she has liked you.
- If you are friends and she goes to you with all her problems, it shows she trusts you and wants you to be part of her life. Take up those problems, and try to help her solve them. Similarly, if you go to her for your problems, and she shows an obsessive 'mother-hen' concern, and genuinely tries to fix every problem, she either likes you or you are very good friends.
- If you play an online game and she is your friend on the game, she might start sending you a lot of presents. This may or may not mean that she likes you.
- If you sit near her but not very near to her in a free session, talk a tiny bit louder than usual. She may appear to be reading a book, but if she is not turning the pages and if her head is turned slightly towards you, she may be trying to listen to what you are saying. Say something funny, and if she smiles slightly or chuckles, it is almost 100 percent sure that she is listening to you, and therefore likes you, or at least is interested in you. Similarly, if she has a textbook open and is 'writing' but she doesn't seem to be aware of what she is writing, she may be listening to you (this is quite difficult to spot).
- If you make her laugh and she puts her head on your shoulder and puts her hand over yours there is a good chance she likes you.
- If she is slouching forward with her head in her arms, or her hair is concealing her face, pay attention to which way her chair angles, and which way her face is pointing. She may be trying to sneak peeks at you.
- If you are in lunch and she stares at you from time to time maybe smiling from here to there, she is probably into you. Or if one of your friends are also friends with her, and you walk by to talk to him/her she might look at you and smile or she will look at him/her with an angry look.
- Check to see if she's flirting. Does she touch or play with your hair? If you're sitting next to her, is her knee touching yours? Does she smile at you a lot? Does she laugh all the time? Do you catch her looking at you? These are some pretty obvious flirts.
- Note! If a girl has liked you for a long time, she may not do these things anymore. She will probably still look at you from time, but they will be more discreet. They will become better at concealing their feelings, and liking you will be an accepted part of their lives. So if she does not openly declare her love for you, that does NOT mean that she is not interested. Dig deeper!
- Tease her a little, but not too much. Also, if you know her favorite animal, then say something about it and then smile at her.
- Get to know her very well then ask her out but don't say, "Do you like me?" because you will freak her out.
- Help her out and do stuff with her! If she says "I really want to see that movie!" say "Hey, Me too maybe we can go see it!" Sometimes this will work only do it if you've known her for a while and she is comfortable with you.
- She stares at you. That is a clue. Also, if she always talks about you with her friends she's probably crushing on you. If you really want to know, you should just ask her or her friends! If you're afraid, ask one of your friends to ask her friends.
- If you like her, but you're not sure if she likes you back, go to one of her best friends and have them ask her who she likes. If they say that she likes you, then ask her out!
- If you ask her what's wrong, and she says nothing, she wants you to give her a little more attention. This is when you bring in questions like, "C'mon, you haven't been acting yourself today. Something is totally up." If she responds, keep going at it until she opens up to you. It will help her gain trust in you if you can get her to tell you what's wrong and not tell anyone if she says not to tell anyone. Make sure not to make her angry with asking her what is wrong. Listen to changes in the pitch in her voice.
- A girl always likes a guy that is interested what she is in. Ask her about her favorite things. Such as sports, activities, her favorite color, and more. If you ask her "What's your favorite color?" And she says "Blue." Be like "Oh cool! That's one of my favorite colors too." But do not say the exact same color unless its true or she will think you are just lying if you use it too much on the favorite questions. Girls love guys similar to them, so try to relate to her as much as you can. And do what she is interested in. Don't be shy about it and do as much as you can to get her even more interested in you.
- A great thing to do is before 1st period starts is to walk past her when she's at her locker or hanging out with her friends. If she says "Hi" to you when walking past, this is a good sign that she's interested in you. This also keeps you in her mind during other times when she just sees you during class. You can do this every day. If she asks you why you always walk by, just tell her that it's the route you have to take to get to class. Also when she says "Hi", pay attention to her body language.
- If the girl stares at you, she has a crush on you. She could be shy so go over there and say something like, "Hey, how are things going?" or "How are you?"
- Show her that you care if she looks lonely or sad. Just make sure she isn't mad and ask her what is wrong or her mood won't be any better.
- Making a girl laugh can help, but some girls don't just look for funny guys, they look for what they feel "compatible" with. If you like a girl and she is sitting at a table with one of her friends and is looking at you go over there and say "hi" and introduce yourself. She will start asking you a bunch of random questions just because she wants to know you. After that is over with, get up and leave. She will call your name soon as you are passing by her. If she does that, ask for her phone number, and then call her (but wait a couple days).
- Don't stare at her a lot. She may find it creepy and weird. Instead, throw in the occasional glance. If you really like her then make sure she can see it when you look at her.
- If you want to tell her, do it in a place that is both quiet and relaxing, like at the park
- If you want to ask the girl out or ask her to the movies you should talk to her parents first.
- Always be bold and confident. Girls like guys who aren't shy. Because if they (guys) are also shy, it makes them uncomfortable and nervous.
- If you two make eye contact for more than 3 seconds then she might like you.
- Try to talk to her if you don't too often. She will appreciate this as sometimes it's difficult for girls to start conversations.
- If she's shy take time to open her up, don't come rushing in.
- If you do not like the girl and talk to her a lot then she may get the wrong idea
- Don't tell hurtful jokes or be sarcastic all the time. It can make girls less interested in you, sometimes they may even cry.
- Even though these signs are legitimate, every girl is different. So don't be discouraged if she doesn't apply to some of these signs.
- If you also like the girl you should tell her how you feel. If you tell her how you feel she will feel that you trust her. Having a girl trust you is a good thing. She will probably trust you if you trust her. If you like a girl you should sit as close to her as you can in any class.
- If you have been friends with the girl for a while, be careful about telling her you like her. It can ruin your friendship if things go wrong.
- If she wants a hug and you like her, be the one to get up and give her a hug. This will show her that you care and not lazy.
- If you're sitting alone and she's next to you, don't look preoccupied or tired and depressed. It will discourage her to come up and talk to you. Smile at her. But if you are, that's okay because she might come up and try to comfort you or ask you what's wrong. If she does, that could mean she likes you. But many people would do that if you look emo.
- Do not stalk her, this will make her scared and lose all interest.
- If you like her don't excuse yourself in the first 10 minutes or she will think you are not interested and back off.
- Does she fidget? if the girl you like tends to fidget around you or cannot be relaxed, this could be a sure sign of her liking you, also if she fidgets with her hair, bites her lip and if she points her legs towards you, these signs could be a potential yes!
- If you come in a bad mood, and she's there, it will make her feel like you don't like her, and will cause her to stay away from you.
- If you accidentally bump her, and she smiles and says its okay, don't say sorry after! She already forgave you!
- Also, if she hits you don't hit her back this will make her avoid you
- Do not go for the telephone number option unless you know her and her family well, because parents will react to you calling through teasing, which may incite anger towards you. Not to mention that some girls view guys asking for their phone numbers as "stalkers", unless they know them well beforehand. A better route to communicate with the girl in the beginning of the relationship is via online messaging clients (i.e. MSN, AIM, etc) or social networking websites (i.e facebook, Myspace), as this is a much more casual form of communication and allows the girl some level of control (for example, if they feel threatened or annoyed, they can simply close the chat session, or block the user, which adds a level of security, and will allow them to relax more).
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