Attract a Younger Girl That Barely Knows You
Do you have your eye on someone who is younger than you, but unfortunately, she barely knows you at all?
- Get to know her. This is the first and most important step. It doesn't matter if she is younger than you, before you ever engage in a relationship, you need to get a better understanding of each other. For most girls, a good conversation is a turn-on and may open her eyes to you. Ask questions about her, her family, what she likes to do, etc. This could also help decide if she is the girl for you, or if maybe you don't like her as much as you thought you did. If you have your eyes set on a girl in her young teens, remember how young she is. Maybe not ready for the kind of relationship that you are ready for, at whatever age you are. So you may have to wait or dismiss the idea that you will ever go out
- Show her that you like her regardless of her age. She'll be able to tell if you're constantly mentioning it, which will make you seem less genuine and truthful.
- Don't rush into it. Resist the urge to just ask her out. Real relationships take time and effort to build. Besides, randomly asking her out will confuse her and increase your chances of being turned down.
- Be friendly and caring. Ask her how she's doing today. Don't ignore her in front of your friends just because she is younger. Show your interest, first in a platonic sense. This will let her know that you care, first as a friend, and then later as something more. A really good idea is to invite her along and get her to feel included.
- Flirt! But only when you feel like your relationship has progressed to that point. Subtle romantic gestures are cute, such as random flowers. Use your knowledge of her to think of specific ideas that will make her swoon. Perhaps wait until she starts to flirt with you
- Be understanding. Maybe she doesn't want to date you. Maybe she isn't ready. Above all, you must remember that a relationship takes two people. Don't pressure her into anything she doesn't want to do.
- Practice, practice, practice! Any skill worth having is worth developing, and like anything, this is a skill that takes time. If at first you don't succeed, keep trying with someone else. There's plenty of fish in the sea, and the best fishermen don't fish for the fish itself, they fish just for the experience of fishing. Try catch-and-release for a while until you get comfortable. You can learn what to do with your catch later.
- Be inquisitive. Most girls would love to tell you how their day went if you only ask and truly care.
- DO NOT repeat DO NOT talk about sex and explicit stuff for a long time until you've gotten to know her. Or you'll give her the wrong impression and make you look like a shallow, superficial jerk.
- Remember things about her, such as her birthday or her favorite color. This will show her that you care about her enough to remember the small details.
- Make sure you really want to go out with her. Younger girls will take a long time to heal bruised feelings.
- Make sure that if the girl is too young for you, manage the relationship with constant self-reminder of your age difference! This also applies to girls of different ethnicity and culture.
- Make sure that the girl isn't too young for you because that would be wrong. Be aware of the local Age of Consent laws.
- Make sure that you don't go on re-bound because you could be risking being labeled a player- which is never a good thing