Boost a Man's Ego
So you want to help boost a man's ego, right? Well, here are some foolproof ways to help your man feel better about himself. Tread with respect, care and consideration and you can't go wrong.
Showing respect for him
- Let the man know that you respect him. This can be done in various ways. You can tell him in a conversation such as "Today I was thinking about you, and I realized that I respect you because..." Or you can say something as simple as "You are a good man and I respect you for that."
- Be frank. He won't necessarily pick up on the little things. If you want to make him feel good and get your point across clearly, don't be afraid to be blunt! He'll know where he stands, which is a source of feeling good.
- Ask him for help. While this sounds like something out of the 50s, nothing makes a guy feel better than to do something for another person, be it opening a pickle jar or getting something down off a high shelf.
- Be appreciative. Every guy is different. What makes one guy feel needed is not what will encourage another. To give your guy an ego boost, he needs to feel that he is wanted and appreciated. And that is something women can relate to as well.
- Don't embarrass him or undermine him in public. How you treat him around others is the way he will begin to treat you. Show him you love him all the time do act two-faced and act differently when there is no one around.
Complimenting him
- Tell him he is downright attractive, or some other similar adjective. Every guy likes hearing that he looks good, and this will surely boost his ego.
- Compliment him on how good he is with the ladies. Mention how there are so many girls that would want to be with him. Every guy wants to be a lady's man.
- Give him a compliment that is mostly unique to him. If he is really artistic or athletic, tell him that. Be completely honest in your compliment.
- Compliment his gadgets, car, new phone, etc. Men tend to view their possessions as extensions of them. Especially cars. Mention how the car is a 'great drive' multiple times.
Flirting, where appropriate
- Flirt with him. Every guy enjoys a little flirting now and then.
- Wink at him. This really turns guys on.
- Dedicate a romantic song to him. He'll really enjoy hearing the song and thinking of you.
- Feed him some good food. Though not too good unless you want to find a way to his heart. It is true what they say. Men cannot resist good food. It will make him feel happy and safe and he will be more open to receiving positive feedback.
- Try to appreciate all the details men have. Like if you just start dating and he gives you a little bear at least be happy that hes trying, and if your really happy about it demonstrate it, you won't look desperate or anything, of course don't overreact and jump around like crazy, that might scare any guy away!
- Don't laugh right after you compliment him or say it in a sarcastic tone. That will trigger the complete opposite of boosting his ego and will make him insecure.
- Don't fake it. There must be something nice about the guy. Though if it's something like 'your brother/friend/dad is hot' - avoid it. That is destined to backfire.
- Don't try to turn a weakness into a strength unless you are a really good actor. "Your nose gives you character and makes you look distinguished" can easily backfire. Especially if you laugh or snicker while you say it.
- Don't act weird when you compliment him. Say the compliment using an appealing tone of voice.
- Don't make a big deal out of small problems. This is the cause of most of the separations, this usually gets into a fight. Try to calm down, at least for tomorrow and instead of keep on being mad think if he really deserves your anger, or if it's worth it to risk a special relationship over a small matter.
- Don't compliment too much, or he'll stop believing you.
- When complimenting a possession for instance a car, wait to see his response. If he is not enthusiastic about the object you are complimenting then stop. Perhaps he actually hates what he has and then it makes you seem like a moron for liking it. This is true especially if the object is really crap and you're just trying to be nice.