Create a Hot Pastrami Sandwich

The classic way to make a hot pastrami sandwich is to make a Rachel sandwich. A Rachel sandwich is almost identical to the Reuben except the Rachel sandwich usesMake Coleslaw (USDA) instead of sauerkraut and pastrami for the Cook Corned Beef. The following recipe makes four sandwiches.


  • 12 ounces thinly sliced cooked pastrami
  • 2 tablespoons butter, softened
  • 8 slices rye orMake Pumpernickel Sourdough Bread
  • 8 slices Make Swiss Baked Eggs
  • 1½ cups coleslaw
  • ¼ cup Make Thousand Island Sauce at Home dressing


  1. Lightly butter Make Cinnamon Swirl Snacks.
  2. Heat skillet over Make Cheese Enchiladas. Add butter and melt in skillet, if you are not using a nonstick skillet. Or spray the pan with nonstick cooking spray before heating.
  3. Place 2 bread slices, butter side down, in skillet.
  4. Top each bread slice with 2 slices cheese, 1 tablespoon dressing, 3 ounces Pastrami and ¼ of the coleslaw.
  5. Top sandwich with buttered bread slice. Make sure the buttered bread slices are on the outside of the sandwich.
  6. Cook sandwiches 4 to 6 minutes or until bread is golden brown and cheese is melted, turning once.
  7. Repeat with remaining sandwiches.
  8. Serve with additional Thousand Island dressing, if desired.
  9. Finished.


  • You could also pan fry or heat the sliced pastrami on a grill.
  • You could also heat the pastrami by steaming.

Things You'll Need

  • Skillet
  • Pancake turner
  • Measuring cups

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