Talk to Your Crush Casually
If you're planning on trying to talk to that person you have a crush on, then these tips may be helpful..
- Approach them calmly and use a simple conversation starter. (Ex. "Hey, What's up?")
- If they respond, continue the conversation naturally. Let it end naturally, don't be worried about awkward pauses.
- When it does end, say something depending on what the conversation is. (Ex. "Thanks.", or "Talk to you later."
- If they don't respond, they may not be interested yet.
- While you could keep trying, the best option might be just to move on. Keep in mind, they also may be shy.
- If you want to keep trying, do not get on their nerves.
- If the conversation is going okay, like with some smiling on their part, and they are putting effort into the conversation be sure to say something like, "Hey, my name is [insert name]." What was your name?", and then leave. This will give them a name to put with your face and think about it, he or she has to know your name before they can really dream about you!
- Just try to make friends with him/her at first when you're talking. When you feel like it's a breeze to talk to him/her, try to flirt.
- At the end of your conversation, don't be so excited. Just because they talked to you doesn't mean they're interested.
- Never lose self respect. Never do anything that you're not 100% comfortable with doing!
- Never tell a lie to make yourself look better; chances are they will end up finding out the truth about you and think you're a compulsive liar.
- Always look your best, especially for a first impression.
- Also, try to smell nice! It's all about the pheromones. If you smell sweet, their knees will be weak. If you're not into perfumes/cologne, just put on deodorant. Just make sure you don't put on too much. You also need to shower.
- Take a breath mint before talking to them. You don't want them to think you have terrible breath.
- Talk about something that interests both of you. If one of you are bored with the conversation, it will probably not be a very good conversation.
- If you feel at all like it is never going to work, persevere! You will never know until you give it a try, and you will avoid regretting the undone.
- Girls, don't apply too much make-up, it is a turn off.
- Avoid teasing.
- Guys, Don't talk about what you like, talk about what THEY like. (Eg.) If they like flowers, talk about flowers instead of video games.
- Casual openers can include simple things relating to how you know this person. If they are at your school, ask about homework. Think of things that both of you need to do, and try to talk about that. a shared topic can lead to a longer conversation.
- Beauty gets the attention but personality gets the heart.
- Just go with the flow, don't rush a crush.
- Avoid all negative conversations.
- If they are obviously too afraid to make the first step, do it yourself! Most times people are too shy.
- Be careful how and when you let them know that you like them. Don't be too bold. Basic flirting should get the job done to let them know that you are available.
- The person you have a crush on may have a boyfriend or girlfriend. If this is the case, talk to them, but don't be too bold and ask them out, unless you want their partner to become very upset at you. If you let them see the good qualities in you, they may consider dumping their partner and giving you an opportunity.
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