Make a Smoothie with 7 Up and Cherries

Have you ever had a smoothie that just wasn’t sweet enough? Well, that is probably because you haven't made a 7 Up-maraschino-cherry-canned-pears kind of smoothie!


  • 1 jar of maraschino cherries
  • 1 can of 7 Up® (Sprite® works too)
  • Canned pears
  • 1/2 cup of ice


  1. Gather and prepare the ingredients listed above.
  2. Cut up the pears.
  3. Drain the juice out of the jar of cherries.
  4. Make sure the 7 Up or Sprite is cold as well.
  5. Put all ingredients into the blender.
  6. Use at medium speed and blend until it is at the desired consistency.
  7. Serve chilled in a glass and enjoy! If you like, you can top the smoothie with whipped cream and a cherry, and drizzle with strawberry or cherry sauce.


  • You don't have to put the milk or water in like you would a "healthier" smoothie. That's what the cherry juice and 7 Up® is for.


  • If you are drinking this in order to get your daily calcium, or think it's nutritious, it's best to just use this on occasion or for dessert.

Things You'll Need

  • Blender
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Serving glass

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